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Five of the Best: Songs

Ooh la la.

Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in a black and white image where he's holding a rope, as if dangling from it, and pointing his silenced pistol just beyond camera. I wonder if he refers to himself as Bond in the mirror.
Image credit: Electronic Arts

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters. It's a series about highlighting some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also a series about you having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

Get ready for some earworms! Which songs are your favourites in games? And I do mean songs, by the way - I don't mean soundtracks. So a song created especially for a game and, ideally, sung inside it.

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