Skip to main content Podcast #83

Syndicate! 3DS cradle! El Shaddai!

Good evening gentle listener and welcome to episode 83 of the Podcast. Bramwell's taken ill, bless him, so this week a clearly discombobulated Oli Welsh (that's me) is parachuted into the host's chair so quickly he forgets to introduce himself and his guests, and generally how to speak. Those guests are Eurogamer's own John Bedford and Tom Phillips.

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First up for discussion is the controversial rebirth of sci-fi strategy classic Syndicate as a "visceral" first-person action game in the Deus Ex vein. Are publishers right to believe the fiction elements of their old properties are more valuable than the gameplay ones? And is Starbreeze still in shape to deliver a game worthy of the name?

Next up, the podcast topic that just won't die - the continuing travails of 3DS and a clearly panicked Nintendo. We speculate about the reasoning behind the inelegant Expansion Slide Pad, officially unveiled today, and why on earth it could possibly need to run off its own battery.

After some more cheerful chat about Star Fox 64 3D, we move on to two more new releases: Dead Island and the messy 'Feminist Whore' controversy that heralded its launch, and the boggling El Shaddai - another reason Oli's brain is so scrambled today.

Background reading

The Podcast goes out every Tuesday at 5pm UK time.

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