Skip to main content Podcast #79

Witness the fitness.

The Podcast proudly presents its anti-gamescom special! This week, three sorry individuals who don't get to go to the Cologne convention sulkily pretend it's not happening. The results are better than you might expect.

Joining host Oli Welsh for a surprisingly highbrow hour of actually talking about games are the prolific Christian Donlan and a new face (or voice), staff writer Matthew Handrahan.

Wilfully disregarding all the industry brouhaha going on over the water, the trio talk about four games they're looking forward to, are playing or have just been to see: Borderlands 2, Mass Effect, Xenoblade Chronicles and The Witness.

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Chris, a noted Borderlands scholar and enthusiast, shares his view on the first details of Gearbox's sequel, debuting this week at that thing in Germany we don't like to talk about. Find out why he think it should be better than the first game, and how come Gearbox excelled itself with the first game.

Matt's experimenting with replaying the Mass Effect games in anticipation of the third: how much truth in there in BioWare's promise of an entire trilogy story arc that changes with the player's decisions? There's quite a bit of love for Obsidian and its ambitious ugly duckling, Alpha Protocol, too.

Oli lost too much of his weekend to the delightful Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii, and it makes him feel less guilty if he talks about it at work. Find out why he thinks it could be the best JRPG since Final Fantasy XII. But is it too little, too late for the genre?

Finally, Christian had a strange encounter with Braid creator Jonathan Blow and his new game, The Witness, in a London hotel room. What's Blow like? And can Christian describe this fascinating game without resorting to undergraduate Eng. Lit. critical theory? (No.)

Background reading!

The Podcast goes out every Tuesday at 5pm UK time. Join us next week!

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