Skip to main content Podcast #38

Zombies! Brotherhood! Kotick! Furniture!

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Image credit: Eurogamer

All are welcomed to this 38th weekly Podcast, this week starring such games journalism luminaries as Will Porter and Al Bickham, who are chaperoned through the week's most exciting games and controversial Bobby Kotick quotes by tyrannical host Tom Bramwell.

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This week it turns out we have been playing Dead Rising 2 quite a bit, along with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer, Halo: Reach and even STALKER: Call of Pripyat. Dead Rising 2 wins praise for being Dead Rising but less crumbly and awkward, while Reach courts criticism for having really dull characters nobody can empathise with - gnomes excepted.

This week's news has been good to us too with Bobby Kotick going off on one about just about everybody in a recent interview - we cut through his claims and inspect his metaphors before drawing solace from Shigeru Miyamoto's shame at never having invented anything like the Rubik's Cube.

Forum Affairs also makes a welcome return, or at least a return, prompting Will Porter to make a startling revelation about his secret past, and then incredibly we have MULTIPLE competition prizes including a Dead Rising 2: Case Zero code and an exclusive, one-of-a-kind BioShock statue of Andrew Ryan courtesy of former 2K man Bickham. You're welcome to enter through the usual channels or in the comments.

Even more incredibly, you also won't have to wait until next Tuesday for the next podcast. What with the Eurogamer Expo taking place at Earls Court this weekend, we'll be bringing you a special bonus instalment this Friday as the show kicks off - and we'll be recording another doubly special version while we're at the show featuring some of the developers we've invited over to speak during our developer sessions.

Background reading!

The Podcast usually goes out at 3pm UK time on Tuesdays. Look out for a bonus instalment this Friday at noon.

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