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Eurogamer Expo sessions detailed

Valve, Quantic Dream, Introversion, more.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Following on from Monday's news about the Eurogamer Expo's Brink developer session, taking place at 1.30pm on every day of the show, we're pleased to announce the full programme of talks from the industry's brightest stars. See below for a table of events and read on for full explanations.

Leeds, 27th October Leeds, 28th October London, 30th October London, 31st October
Midday Charles Cecil (Revolution Software) Team 17 (Alien Breed) Black Rock's Nick Baynes (Split/Second) Quantic Dream's David Cage (Heavy Rain)
1.30pm Splash Damage's Paul Wedgwood (Brink)Splash Damage's Paul Wedgwood (Brink)Splash Damage's Paul Wedgwood (Brink)Splash Damage's Paul Wedgwood (Brink)
2.45pmNVIDIA (3D Games demo)NVIDIA (3D Games demo)
3.30pmIntroversion's Mark Morris (Darwinia+)Introversion's Mark Morris (Darwinia+)Valve's Chet Faliszek (Left 4 Dead 2)
4.30pmEurogamer's Tom Bramwell and Johnny Minkley (Ask Eurogamer!)Just Add Water's Stewart Gilray (Gravity Crash)EA Montreal's Guillaume Voghel and Alex Hutchinson (Army of Two: The 40th Day)Eurogamer's Tom Bramwell and Ellie Gibson (Ask Eurogamer!)
6.00pmNVIDIA (3D Games demo)NVIDIA (3D Games demo)

Let's start with Leeds. Sessions on Tuesday, 27th October begin with veteran producer Charles Cecil talking about his career in games design and the work of his company Revolution from noon. With games such as Beneath a Steel Sky and the Broken Sword series on his CV, it's bound to be interesting.

Mark Morris, director at Introversion, takes the stage at 3.30pm. Introversion brought you nuclear devastation sim Defcon and Darwinia+, which is what Mark will be discussing up in Leeds.

Following Mark, at 4.30pm, will be the first of our famed 'Ask Eurogamer' sessions, where you can grill members of our editorial team on what makes us tick, who's best at Street Fighter and why we hated your favourite game so much. On Tuesday's panel will be EGTV supremo Johnny Minkley, the man of a thousand cardigans, and King of the Word Castle Tom Bramwell, who, as far as we know, owns not a single woollen item.

Wednesday, 28th October kicks off at noon with Team 17, the light-hearted annelid fans who brought you all 750 games in the Worms series. The team will be talking about the studio's new title Alien Breed, a spacey shooter which intrigued Kristan recently.

Later that afternoon, Just Add Water's Stewart Gilray pops up to inform you all about the studio's new shooter, Gravity Crash, in the late session at 4.30pm.

Moving down to London on Friday, 30th October, proceedings open at noon with Black Rock Studio's Nick Baynes, who'll be talking about explosive arcade racer Split/Second, the next title off the blocks from Disney's acclaimed racing developer.

Soon after that we're joined by representatives of NVIDIA, demonstrating the graphics specialists' brand new 3D gaming technology at 2.45pm. Bring your eyes for this one. 3.30pm sees the return of (the Mac) Mark Morris of Introversion, reprising his Leeds role as infomerchant extraordinaire.

Then, at 4.30pm on Friday we have special guests Guillaume Voghel and Alex Hutchinson joining us all the way from EA Montreal to talk about Army of Two: The 40th Day. This ambitious team shooter should be firmly embedded in your consciousness by now, but hurry up and check out some of the trailers if it's not. Finally for Friday NVIDIA returns at 6pm for another chance to explore 3D gaming.

Sessions on Saturday, 31st October open with what promises to be a rather special presentation from the flamboyant head of Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream: David Cage. Never one to mince his words, Cage should be too good to miss at noon, even if all he talks about is his highly anticipated AAA PS3-exclusive.

Shortly after, there'll be the last chance to see the Brink demonstration, followed by more 3D wizardry from NVIDIA at 2.45pm.

Now that he's no longer being boycotted by big mean bullies, Valve man Chet Faliszek is popping his head over the parapet to give a presentation on the rather excellent-looking Left 4 Dead 2 at 3.30pm.

Then it's our turn again as Tom and Ellie brave the verbal flak in another round of 'Ask Eurogamer'. Finally, and closing up the sessions, is the last chance to sample NVIDIA's 3D delights at 6pm.

Epic. Megaton. Superlative meme. Get.

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