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Editor's blog: New mobile site, guide content and more

We're also welcoming a new staffer. Come say hi!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Happy New Year! OK, it's the middle of February, but having spent the last couple of months drawing up plans for 2014 and beyond I feel like I'm just getting down to the day-to-day work, so hopefully you'll forgive me the overdue salutation.

Today I want to let regular readers know some of the things we're working on this year. First of all, hopefully you've already noticed that we've redesigned our mobile site. We rejigged it so it's a bit cleaner and simpler and has a bit more imagery. Craig Munro from our tech team took care of this for us and we hope you like it. (And for those of you wondering whether we have any plans for the desktop version of Eurogamer, we do! Watch this space.)

Second, I'm very happy to announce that John Bedford has joined the Eurogamer editorial team full time. Some of you may know John from his freelance contributions over the years and his recent stint editing our sister site, Please say hello and be nice to him!

John is joining as Guides Editor, a new role we've created to add another element to the site. Although we've dabbled with it in the past, we've never really gone after guide content (walkthroughs, cheats, tips, etc) in an organised fashion, but now we're in a position to do so. You can see some early examples of John's work on the site this evening - the first part of a Lightning Returns guide and some tips for GTA 5 and Assassin's Creed 4.

There won't be tons of these features (the GTA and AC4 stuff was really just us calibrating our approach a little), but I think we'll have a dozen or so of them over the course of the year, and John's going to ensure they are useful tools, well-presented and nicely edited. You'll also see John popping up doing other features.

Oh, and if you're looking at the guide stuff and thinking "why now?", the answer is that we've been very fortunate over the last few years to build up a substantial audience by doing things our way, and this has allowed us to add new things to the site without having to take resources away from other things - something that's very important to me. Guides were something we didn't have, I like the idea of doing them well, and it's also nice to bring John on board full time - he's always been part of the extended Eurogamer family, but now we can bring him home.

Elsewhere on the site this year, you'll see the same mixture of reviews, in-depth features, original reporting, opinion pieces, video content and coverage of anything else we think you'll find interesting. We'll continue trying to adapt and improve all these things by paying attention to your feedback and our own instincts, and hopefully - as my old boss used to say - this will keep all the graphs going up.

I'm also interested to hear what else you would like to see on Eurogamer in the future. We haven't done a survey for a while, but rather than throw a big form at you, I'd be happy to hear from you in the comments or using our contact form. We managed to bring back the podcast last year, so our track record for responding to your suggestions is arguably improving!

Anyway, one more thing before I stop rambling: somewhat amazingly, the start of this month was my 14th anniversary working on Eurogamer, the last six years of which I've spent editing it. I wouldn't have this job without you guys and I don't take it for granted. Thanks to everyone who reads Eurogamer, posts on the forum or in the comments or comes to our EGX events. I hope you really are having a happy new year.

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