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DKC 'enhancements' revealed

Advance my donkey

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Also from GameSpot this morning comes news of the promised 'enhancements' to the GBA version of Donkey Kong Country. As previously reported, these take the form of a couple of mini-games with two player functionality. However, they sound as uninviting as Mario Advance's so-called multiplayer. They are Funky's Fishing (catch as many fish as possible within a given time limit) and Candy's Dance Studio (a simple rhythm-action game). The report also confirms the addition of stat tracking, unlockable character art and a save-anywhere feature. Perhaps most interesting though is a Donkey Kong attack mode, which will measure in-game performance according to various factors and perhaps even add some replay value to this otherwise fairly limited package.

Go on chaps: throw DKC2 in there. We bet you could if you wanted to.

Source: GameSpot

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