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2020 in preview: Cake Bash already looks delicious

Scone home.

Now that 2020 is here we're having a little look ahead at some of the year's new games that have us intrigued.

"Play as your favourite cake in a variety of tasty levels." That was the moment I suspected 2020 might be interesting. Cake Bash is a party game in which you get together with a bunch of people, decide which cake to be - choose your favourite - and then have at it.

It looks like absolute chaos - everyone running around trying to get as delicious as possible while fighting off each other and ducking environmental hazards. The physics! The attacking birds! The cherries!

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One of the things I've realised over the last few years - I don't know why it's taken me so long to understand this - is that very little in this world has the anthropomorphic promise of a slice of cake or a wedge of pie. Whack a pair of eyes on there and I'm rooting for it, no matter what. Throw in the fact that I remember reading that High Tea Frog, the developer of Cake bash, has rich lineage making beautiful, playful games like Grow Home, and this is something to be very excited about. Cake Bash! Yes pls.

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