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10 million posts and counting in the Eurogamer forum!

But who has posted the most?

It's the news you've been waiting for: the Eurogamer forum has passed 10 million posts!

That's millions of thoughtful discussions, millions of friendly welcomes, millions of 'no I was wrong - you were right' humble apologies. Also some other stuff.

It's been a home to many of you since soon after Eurogamer launched, and it's you who helped shape our personality, our place, our community. Thank you for coming back so many times!

It was neilka who posted the 10 millionth forum post.

To mark the occasion, we've dug out some statistics. So, who has posted the most?

In reverse order:

  • At number 10 it's otto with 49,238 posts! Coincidentally, he was also the 10th person ever to register on Eurogamer.
  • At number nine it's nickthegun with 50,584 posts!
  • At number eight it's Psychotext with 51,180 posts, the rogue.
  • At number seven it's mister "this is my mate HairyArse" Razz with 59,107 posts!
  • At number six it's Dougs with 62,047 posts!
  • At number five it's morris, who worked for VG247 for a while, with 70,342 posts!
  • At number four it's pjmaybe, who's quit the forum more times than he's posted, with 70,676 posts!
  • At number three it's Dirtbox with 74,536 posts!
  • At number two it's ecureuil with 75,230 posts!
  • And at number one, way out in the lead, it's kalel with 80,429 posts!

Congratulations everyone!

I've only posted 1744 times.

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