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Gears of War 4 - Act 2 collectible locations

Where to find every hidden collectible in Act 2 of the campaign.

Below is a list of Gears of War 4 Act 2 Collectible locations. Once you're done with Act 2, you head into other Acts in our Gears of War 4 collectible guide:

Gears of War 4 - Act 1 collectible locations
Gears of War 4 - Act 3 collectible locations
Gears of War 4 - Act 4 collectible locations
Gears of War 4 - Act 5 collectible locations

Gears of War 4 - Act 2 collectible locations

Act 2 Chapter 1

There are a total of three collectibles in this chapter.

1. Anya's Favorite Flower: Before you enter the manor, on the right is a gate. After the cutscene inside, turn around and investigate the flower by the gate. Note you can only collect the flower after the cutscene, so don't forget it!

Investigate the gate on the right, and after the cutscene...
...turn around and investigate the flower pot.

2. JD's Sixth Birthday present from his Uncle Cole: When you're clearing out the backyard after you meet the manor's owner, there is an building to the right. Look on the outside edge, in the shadows, and you'll find the collectible.

Find this building in the backyard to the right, and go down the back...
...and search the shadows for the collectible.

3. COG Military Academy Acceptance Letter: When you enter the manor, you have to go up the stairs to the right. Instead, go to the far left corner - past the wall lamp - and you'll find the Letter on the right in the proceeding room.

The steps to continue the campaign are to the right here. Ignore them!
Go to this corner room to find the collectible.

Act 2 Chapter 2

There are a total of three collectibles in this chapter.

1. Photo of JD and Anya: After you leave the opening armoury, go right then immediately right again, and it's in the corner.

You'll likely be fighting enemies at this time, so wait for a break and go search for the collectible.

2. House Plans: When you arrive in the cellar, the House Plans collectible is on the left as soon as you enter the first room before the escape tunnel.

3. Old Bottle of Wine: After the incident in the barrel shed, before you proceed go to the left wall where you'll find the Old Bottle of Wine Collectible.

Act 2 Chapter 3

Both these collectibles are on each path (Road or Riverbarn) when you approach the barn. Choose whichever you prefer, and when you reach the barn gate, retrace your path back the other way to get the other.

1. The New Ephyran: On the left route, and after the gate has been opened for you from the other team, proceed onward and next to the rows of red drums is a truck. In the back is a magazine you can collect. If you took the right route, you can trace your steps back once you meet up at the gate.

2. JD's Old Toy Figurine: On the right route, as soon as you start, turn right and the collectible is next to the red tractor in the corner.