Xbox launches shiny new Home dashboard for Series X/S, One consoles
Rolling out over coming weeks.
Microsoft is now launching its new Home dashboard for all users of its Xbox Series X/S and One consoles.
This new-look dashboard has been known about and used by Xbox Insiders for several months, but over the next few weeks it will made available to the rest of the X/S and One community.
Microsoft said the new design has come following players' feedback, and its arrival on consoles will make discovering new games - and rediscovering old ones - easier.
In a blog update about the new dashboard, Xbox laid out the following benefits to the new look:
1: Makes it easy to go to your Library, the Microsoft Store, Xbox Game Pass, Search, and Settings at the very top of your Home by introducing a quick access menu.
2: Creates more space for your personalised background by simplifying the layout and putting the games you recently played and other content and apps towards the bottom of the screen.
3: Adds an option to change your background to match the game you are highlighting in the recently played list.
4: Improves game discovery by introducing lists of games curated and personalised for you.
5: Allows you to customise your experience by pinning your favourite games, curated groups, and system groups like Quick Resume to Home.
6: Helps you find what's going on in your community through the updated Friends & Community Updates row.
7: Shows you what media apps and content are available to you via a Watch & Listen spotlight and list of entertainment apps

If you are already seeing the new Home dashboard on your console, be sure to check out Microsoft's guide on how to get everything looking to your liking.
"When we first showed Xbox Insiders what we were working on we heard your feedback clearly - you wanted more room to show off custom backgrounds or game art, quicker navigation options, and more personalisation," Microsoft said of the dashboard's arrival to the wider Xbox community.
"Over the last eight months since initial release, we've implemented changes to meet those requests and have a new Home that feels fresh, puts the focus on your games and apps, and creates space for beautiful backgrounds."
Microsoft recently announced its plan to ditch its Xbox Live Games with Gold offering, which will be replaced by a new subscription named Xbox Game Pass Core.