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Points of Review!

The slightly dotty Mrs. Biscuit introduces this week's reader contributions.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Good afternoon my little dears! What with today being the anniversary of young Thomas's birth, I've been called in from the tearoom to wade through his bundle of reader ruminations, while he tends to his birthday correspondence and sups on a slice of carrot cake. His grandparents sent him such a lovely card, too. I hope he likes his sweater. I think he looks so handsome in plaid. Now then, where did I put my spectacles?

According to the little list Thomas left on the mantle, I'm supposed to tell you that the prize for this week's most enjoyable submission is a piece of computing called The Need for Speed Underground, which I hope is nothing to do with the horrible white powders so prevalent amongst the youth of my little hamlet here in Sussex. They do look so pasty and uncouth. I'm always complaining about them during meetings of the Neighbourhood Watch.

Goodness me, please forgive me for rambling, I have such problems with these troublesome teen-agers. But having looked over some of your lovely electric letters I'm inclined to say you are all wonderful writers and I hope that Thomas appreciates you. After all, he writes as though being chased by a gentleman with a giant butterfly net.

With my warmest sentiments, Abigail Biscuit

The Rules

Reader Reviews should be submitted to, and can be written about anything you like - hardware, games, peripherals - even if we've already written about it. In fact, that's kind of the point! Your word limit is 300 although we'll tolerate a bit of overflow if you can string words together nicely, and please try to keep it clean and legal. Just like we do for you! The best candidate each week will receive a random bit of game-related tat (possibly even an actual game) as a prize. Lucky, lucky you. And of course, your work will be displayed for all to see.