Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens season pass lets you play as Jar Jar
Includes three more levels and 50 extra characters.
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens season pass has been detailed - and you'll need it to play a selection of Jedi characters including Samuel L. Jackson aka Mace Windu.

Even hated prequel character Jar Jar Binks is included in one of the character packs.
Priced at £7.99, the season pass will unlock three extra levels and five character packs, of which one is exclusive to the season pass.
It'll be available on PC, PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, but not 3DS, Wii U or Vita.
Alternatively, you'll be able to pick and choose to expand your game at the cost of £2.50 for a level pack or £1.70 for a bundle of extra characters.
Extra levels will offer unseen or alternative takes on in-movie moments.
Poe's Quest for Survival will see the Resistance pilot escape from his crash on Jakku. Escape from Starkiller base puts you in the shoes of Resistance troops escaping Starkiller before it explodes. Finally, First Order Siege of Takodana will showcase the fight from the perspective of Kylo Ren.
Character packs are centred around the prequel trilogy (play as Anakin, Darth Maul, Padmé and yes - Jar Jar), the Clone Wars and Rebels TV shows, the upcoming Lego animated spin-off The Freemaker Adventures and the aforementioned Jedi Pack for season pass owners.
The Lego Marvel's Avengers season pass was great value for the same price. If you haven't nabbed it already, a surprise free Spider-Man character pack launched this week.