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Giveaway: 100 keys for the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 beta!

UPDATE: And they're gone!

UPDATE: All the keys have now been claimed and the competition is closed. If you go a key, well done! If not, better luck next time!

ORIGINAL STORY: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is the sequel to last years 3D fighting game Dragon Ball Xenoverse. It features a whopping 87 characters from the Dragon Ball universe, including one Goku Black from Dragon Ball Super (though that's only if you pre-order).

The games comes out on 27th October for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but before then, Bandai Namco will run two betas. For the PS4 only, a closed beta runs from 10am on the 8th of October, to 10am on the 10th of October. You'd normally get access to that by pre-ordering the game on the PSN store, but we've been given 100 keys to giveaway to some of you lovely readers.

All you'll need to do to get one of these keys is enter through the Gleam below. Once that's done, you'll have your key, and you can redeem it on the PSN store.

An open beta launches at 10am on 14th of October, again for PS4 only, and runs until the 16th of October, at the same hour. This is also for PS4 only, with no sign of a PC or Xbox One beta coming.

Have fun!

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Beta Key Giveaway!