Final Fantasy 15 Chapter 1 - The Errand Prince, Mutant Marauder and Bloodhorn boss battle
How to complete Chapter 1 of Final Fantasy 15.
Welcome to Final Fantasy 15's opening Chapter 1. After the opening scene - where you simply move towards the fire to trigger the cutscene - you're more or less thrown into thick of an open world to freely explore. The game eases you in with a few gentle quests and a road trip, which we explain how to successfully navigate.
Chapter 1 - Departure
Push the car while the boys bicker, and you'll eventualy reach Hammerhead. After the cutscene walk around for a few seconds until you're interrupted again, and then make your way to the diner. Talk to the guy behind the counter to get a few spots marked on your map then talk to the vendor to the left of the parking lot exit to trigger The Pauper Prince.
The Pauper Prince
Recommended level: 1
Talk to Cindy, then head for the quest marker in the desert opposite. The first batch of Reapertails shouldn't provide too much of a challenge to defeat, and the next two clusters will introduce the "Strategy" mechanic - complete the optional task during the fight to earn some bonus AP.

Hunter Becomes the Hunted
Recommended level: 1
After the three groups of enemies are defeated head towards the next marker. Collect the ingredients from under the tree than head inside and read the note, after which you'll be ambushed by some Sabertusks.
Once they're dead head towards the windmill and take on a few more - Ignis will interrupt you just as you approach, but the advice he offers is sound. Talk to the guy in the hut once the coast is clear, and choose whether to get him to pay you for the next step or whether you want to do it out of the goodness of your heart.
The Mutant Marauder and Bloodhorn fight
Recommended level: 2
As you head towards the next marker Ignis will suggest resting up, so take him up on the idea and head to the nearby campsite. You'll pass some fire elemental energy on the way so make sure to absorb it then rest up - which logs your EXP so you can level up - and have something to eat - which can give you some stat-boosts for the following day - and chill out to the light jazz, then head for the target.
Bloodhorn boss fight
This enemy packs a hefty beadbutt, but he's slow to turn so blindsiding him is both safe and relatively straightforward. He's also a big enough HP sponge that you shoud be able to get in a few Link attacks.
Collect the mineral dust from nearby then head back towards the garage. About half way you'll be introduced to the Hurricane via a brief cutscene, and when you make it back Cindy will have a delivery for you to make.
The Errand Prince
Recommended level: 2
Head for Longwythe and talk to the motel manager, pop into the diner to gather a few more markers on your map, and then head to Galdin Quay. Talk to the suspicious stranger then head for the jetty.
It's closed, but on your way out you'll be accosted by a reporter with an offer for you - accept it to start the next quest.
Need more help? Our Final Fantasy 15 guide and walkthrough can provide tips on main story, as well as the open-world's many quests and activities. Learning how to get AP fast, EXP fast and money or Gil fast will aid you in many optional dungeons and tombs - including how to open and explore their locked doors. There's also plenty of interesting side-quests, too, such as the Scraps of Mystery and Professors Protege frog locations. And if you want to get around easier, you can rent a Chocobo, learn the infinite sprint trick and later in the game, get the flying car Regalia Type F. There's also more to see and do with DLC, such as Episode Gladiolus and Episode Prompto.
A Gentlemen's Agreement
Recommended level: 3
On your way back along the jetty you can talk to the cat to unlock Kitty Catering quest, which introduces you to fishing. It's up to you whether you want to take it, but when you're ready, jump in your car and when you reach the quest marker follow the path up the slope and through the cave.
Sneak past the Hurricane by sticking close to the edges, collect the gem, and head back to Dino. Give him the stone, and then talk to him again when you're ready to move on. (Note: Once Ill Tidings starts you'll be unable to explore until it's finished.)
Ill Tidings
Recommended level: 4
As you make your way through the buildings and up the hill you'll come across a few pockets of armed resistance. The groups get larger the further up you go, and towards the top one or two will be perched out of sight on some of the rocky outcrops so take care not to get flanked.
Reaching the top of the hill will bring the chapter to a close after the cutscene. Once that's done, you'll start Chapter 2 and begin back at Hammerhead.