Final Fantasy 15 Chapter 2 - The Power of Kings, exploring Keycatrich Trench, Arachne boss and MA-X Cuirass boss battle
How to complete Chapter 2 of Final Fantasy 15.
Chapter 2's Tomb of the Wise is the game's first major dungeon, and comes not long after you've cleared the introductory Chapter 1. You start the chapter back at Hammerhead, allowing you to continue exploring the Leide region.
Recommended level: 5
Speak to Cid in the garage and then head outside. Talk to him again to gain access to the Cid Sophiar, Master Mechanic weapon modding side quest and then head for the marker. When you reach Prarie Outpost talk to Monica then travel on foot to the Tomb of the Wise by following the path north and then taking the narrow canyon on your left. Watch out for a couple of groups of Daggerquills along the path - they're airborne so ranged weapons or Warp attacks are your best bet. Talk to Cor, then once you've collected the sword talk to him again to trigger the next stage.
The Power of Kings
Recommended level: 6
Retrace your steps down the hill and head towards the next marker. As the area opens out you'll encounter a large number of soldiers who can prove to be a pain. There's a gun turret in front of the ruined building ahead which you can use to your advantage, but beyond that it's simply a matter of thinning them out one at a time.
Once the area is clear move closer to the marker until you encounter your first Mechs, a pair of MA Veles. They're vulnerable to Lightning, Swords, and Great Swords, and should give you an opportunity to use a few Link attacks too. Be careful when you take them down as they'll explode a few seconds after being destroyed, and the splash damage can be devastating if you get caught by it.
Keycatrich Trench
Head into the dungeon and follow the cable on the floor until you find the generator. It won't last forever, but for now the extra light is handy. Head into the room at the north end of the corridor to grab the Ice essence, then find the small gap in the rocks to on the east of the passage and squeeze through.
The room at the south contains a Goblin ambush, so head north and then take the western passage and open the doors on the north side at the far end. Deal with the Goblins then head east; a branching path to the north is another dead end, so keep moving east until you encounter Arachne.

Arachne boss battle
She's quick, but she's vulnerable to fire and Mechanisms, and you may find that the cramped quarters and wayward camera are the worst enemies in this encounter. Keep your party well healed, but since you should be at a simple level, it should be a straightforward battle. Once she's dead head through the hole in the north wall, turn to the west at the end, and enter the tomb.
Declaration of War
Recommended level: 8
Return to Monica and talk to her, then drive to the parking spot just south east of the marker. Go the rest of the way on foot to meet up with Monica again at which point your party will split and you'll be paired up with Cor.
Follow the markers through the area and deal with the assorted snipers and axemen that block your path, and you will be reunited with the rest of the gang just in time for the end of chapter boss battle.
Need more help? Our Final Fantasy 15 guide and walkthrough can provide tips on main story, as well as the open-world's many quests and activities. Learning how to get AP fast, EXP fast and money or Gil fast will aid you in many optional dungeons and tombs - including how to open and explore their locked doors. There's also plenty of interesting side-quests, too, such as the Scraps of Mystery and Professors Protege frog locations. And if you want to get around easier, you can rent a Chocobo, learn the infinite sprint trick and later in the game, get the flying car Regalia Type F. There's also more to see and do with DLC, such as Episode Gladiolus and Episode Prompto.
MA-X Cuirass boss battle
In addition to facing off against a mech you'll also have to deal with a number of regular enemies, so we recommend making a dash behind the shipping containers either side of the area at the start of the fight - it will keep you more or less out of reach of the mech allowing you to pick off the smaller enemies more easily.

Once you're down to a single enemy take a moment to heal up if you need, and pay close attention to your health at all times - the mech can take you from full health to zero in a matter of seconds. Use the Warp points to your advantage to keep away from its feet, chip away at it until it becomes vulnerable, then move in with a Link attack or two, and repeat until it's vanquished.
Now you're done, Chapter 3 will begin and the area of Duscae is yours to explore.