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Eurogamer Expo 2010

This just got real.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Seven million games consoles. Four hundred million DVDs and Blu-rays. Sixty eight thousand square metres of hair. Seventy five and a half billion miles of network cable. If you were to tie all of the threads of twine we use to make Eurogamer T-shirts together end to end in a rope, it would stretch to the moon and back, and would be strong enough to fire an arrow made out of the sun through the heart of Pluto and discover life in Alpha Centauri.

If we had the foresight to count the things that go into the Eurogamer Expo, those are the sorts of statistics we might be able to promote in our marketing material. Unfortunately we were too busy signing top game developers, drawing pictures of the Eurogamer guy smashing up London and recording potentially libellous podcasts to do that, so all of the above stats are made up.

What is definitely true is that the 2010 Eurogamer Expo is the biggest show we've ever put on - 20,000 people over three days at Earls Court - and is host to the best line-up of games and developers we've ever had the pleasure to borrow and invite. If you're heading down on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, here's what you can expect to find.

Developer Sessions

Time Friday Saturday Sunday
11.30 Danny Leaver & John Beech (Media Molecule) LittleBigPlanet 2
12.00 Peter Molyneux (Creative Director, Microsoft Game Studios) Fable III Matt Southern (Evolution Studios) MotorStorm Apocalypse
13.00 Steven Ter Heide (Guerrilla Games) Killzone 3 Tameem Antoniades (Ninja Theory) Enslaved
13.30 Jonathan Jacques Belletete (Art Director, Eidos Montreal) Deus Ex: Human Revolution
14.00 Yuji Naka (Prope) Ivy the Kiwi? Tomasz Gop & Marek Ziemak (CD Projekt) The Witcher 2
14.30 Darren Bridges & Ken Schramm (Sucker Punch) inFamous 2
15.30 Matt Findley & Maxx Kaufman (inXile) Hunted: The Demon's Forge Matt Findley & Maxx Kaufman (inXile) Hunted: The Demon's Forge Mike Simpson (Creative Assembly) Shogun II: Total War
17.00 Tim Willits (id Software) RAGE Tim Willits (id Software) RAGE Tim Willits (id Software) RAGE

At the first Eurogamer Expo we had a lovely little room where we invited some of our friends in development and recruitment to speak to attendees about their plans and projects. Last year we cranked it up and were delighted when some of our favourite developers from the likes of Quantic Dream, Valve and Splash Damage flew over and showed their games (David Cage didn't fly, incidentally - he just clicked his heels together three times).

This year we think we've taken it to another level entirely. Friday's session schedule kicks off with the inimitable Peter Molyneux from Lionhead talking about the experience of building the Fable series and what makes Fable III - due out later this month - worth your attention.

Molyneux is followed by Eidos Montreal, over from Canada to introduce you to Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which you won't be able to play until early 2011, before Sucker Punch takes the stage to show inFAMOUS 2. We've been given a few hints about what's in store and we're pretty excited. We don't even know exactly when in 2011 inFAMOUS 2 will come out, so we're thrilled to have it at the Expo so early on in its development.

Bethesda Softworks has always been a big supporter of the Expo and 2010 is no exception. Last year Splash Damage introduced you to Brink - this year it's playable on the show floor - but in 2010 inXile is presenting the intriguing Hunted: The Demon's Forge, a third-person action role-player with plenty of pedigree, in a presentation you can catch at 3.30pm on Friday and Saturday.

One of our personal highlights though is at 5pm each day - id Software's creative director Tim Willits is showing RAGE, the first new IP from the Dallas-based first-person shooter specialist in over a decade. The technology is incredible. It's also fair to say that without Willits Eurogamer might not even exist - many of the guys who founded Eurogamer got into this because of our love of Quake and other Quake Engine games like Counter-Strike.