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Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce

Monster Hunter try.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

While it's lovely to imagine that game creation is packed with artistic geniuses and auteurs beset from all sides by flashes of stunning inspiration, the harsh reality is that plenty of games are borne of more humble, even cynical, thought processes. Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce is exactly such a game, and its inspiration isn't so much worn on its sleeve as flown above its house on a flag the size of a double-decker bus.

"What's setting the charts alight in Japan that isn't Nintendo's latest Professor Cookingmama's Brain Dog?" KOEI has clearly pondered - and its answer is to combine the long-running Dynasty Warriors series with some of the magic pixie dust that's made Capcom's Monster Hunter into the saviour of the PSP in Japan. The combination of a little from Column A with a little from Column B is blatant and unapologetic.

On the surface, this remains very much a Dynasty Warriors title. Choosing a hero from the semi-mythological pantheon of Chinese history, your primary focus is on hacking and slashing through dozens of lesser mortals, stopping between battles to power up your superhuman warrior through equipment and add-on upgrades.

This much is eminently familiar to anyone who has played a Dynasty Warriors game before, and hardly complex for newcomers to pick up either. The game's controls are, for the most part, fairly simple. Each character carries two weapons (which can be changed at the blacksmith in your village), and boasts heavy and light attacks, which can be strung together, along with jumps, to make up a variety of simple combos.

Colourful and bright, the game makes decent use of the PSP - it's not the system's best looking title, but it's varied and attractive.

I hope you like your PSP's square and triangle buttons, because you'll be mashing them a lot in Strikeforce. Those light and heavy attacks are basically the heart of the game's combat, although a handful of other features play supporting roles. Most notably, you can use the left trigger to lock on to an enemy (although the automatic lock-on occasionally focuses on a minion 20 feet away, rather than on the boss who's using a giant sword to excavate your brain via your nostrils), and the right trigger to dash forwards, as with Dynasty Warriors' recent excursions into Gundam.

The headline feature of Strikeforce, aside from its multiplayer (more of which in a moment), is the addition of new "powered up" forms for the characters, which can be unleashed after charging up the Musou bar. Unlike the fury attacks which were available previously, the new forms come with an entirely new character model, replete with ludicrously spiky appearance and crackling glow. Yes, it's essentially channelling the spirit of Dragonball or Naruto into Dynasty Warriors, but while it doesn't really change the game in a terribly significant way, it's certainly entertaining to unleash your unstoppable powered-up form on your foes for a little while.

The game's complexity, then, lies not in the combat system but in preparation and upgrading between each mission. Various sub-systems exist to be micro-managed in your village - new weapons can be forged, power-up orbs can be created to attach to slots on said weapons, and chi abilities can be learned and attached to slots on your own body. In addition, you can gradually upgrade the village itself by recruiting officers who improve your facilities after each battle.