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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - multiplayer, Gathering Halls, Hunters for Hire, finding players and creating groups

How to find and create groups using the Gathering Halls of Monster Hunter 4, and earn some extra supplies through the Hunters for Hire system.

There's a much bigger focus on multiplayer for the latest edition of Monster Hunter, and while getting a group together isn't quite as fiddly a process as it was before, getting your friends together in the same room can still be a rather confusing affair.

In this section of our Monster Hunter 4 guide, we'll take you through the basics of multiplayer, from creating a meeting place where you can gather like-minded players together, to selecting quests and heading out to do battle. We'll also teach you the basics of the Hunters for Hire system - a great way to bag yourself some extra supplies for very little effort.

How to use Gathering Halls

In order to team up with other hunters, you must use the Gathering Hall system. From here, you'll be able to select multiplayer quests, stock up on items, find other players, and then head out into on a hunt together.

To get started, make sure you're set to Online Multiplayer mode by tapping World Map on the lower screen, then hitting the green tab marked Solo/Multiplayer at the top. Make sure your status is set to Online Multiplayer. From here, you can either select a Gathering Hall based on certain criteria, or create one of your own for other players to join.

Create a Gathering Hall

Choose this option and you'll be able to select where you want to fight, the type of content you want to get stuck into, and the kind of combat experience you're looking for in your fellow hunters.

Find a Gathering Hall

This option allows you to find a specific sort of hunting buddy, using the same criteria outlined in the Gathering Hall creation instructions above. You can also enter a friend's Gathering Hall ID here - ask them to hit the Start button, then give you the ID number detailed in the upper-right menu panel.

Friend List

If you just want to jump into battle with your friends - and they're online and already in a Gathering Hall - select the Friend List option, then choose the friend you want to meet up with. You'll then be given the chance to be whisked off over to meet up with them directly.

If your group is lacking players and you want to find more party members, you can use the Gong Lady over on the right-hand side of the room to signal the kind of content you're tackling, and the type of people you're looking for.

How to start a multiplayer quest

Once you're in a Gathering Hall, you'll first of all need to talk to the quest-givers over on the left-hand side of the room. Once you've got a mission in hand, the other players need to go over to the noticeboard and select the quest, then move to the door and interact with it to indicate they're ready to depart. The person who picked up the quest can then depart for the quest, taking their buddies along for the ride.

Getting started with Hunters for Hire

The Hunters for Hire system allows you to send players you've traded Guild Cards with out on hands-off quests which will reward you with additional supplies. You can either trade Guild Cards with your friends directly, or pick them up out in the real-life wilds using the 3DS StreetPass system. Talk to the hub Courier throwing cards up in the air to add new arrivals to your game.

To see which Hunters you have available, tap World Map on the bottom screen, then switch to Offline Mode before heading off to the Gathering Hall. Once in your hall, you'll be able to see your virtual buddies hanging around. Simply approach them and interact with them to send them on their way. If you want to spend a little bit of your hard-earned cash, you can provide additional hunters to help them out on their quest, increasing your odds of success.

When you've finished a total of two quests of your own, your offline Hunter will return home with the spoils of war. Head back to the Gathering Hall and interact with them to get your hands on all of the rewards they've brought back for you.

- Read on for our walkthrough of the first 20 hours of questing in the game.

- You can find the rest of our Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate guide from the index page of this article.