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Futuristic arcade racer Distance speeds past its goal in the nick of time

Nitronic Rush spiritual successor gets the green light.

Distance - the crowdsourced follow-up to the neon Tron-like racing game Nitronic Rush - just reached its Kickstarter goal of $125,000.

Things were getting dicey for a bit there as the Kickstarter only has two days to go and as of a week ago it was only at $74,000.

Developed by former DigiPen students at Refract Studios, Distance is the commercial successor to Nitronic Rush, an absolutely insane racing game that allows you to drive on walls and ceilings and even fly. It's completely free and can be downloaded here.

Distance looks quite similar, and Refract recently confirmed that it will have split-screen support for at least two to four players, as well as Linux support.

The developer recently released some pre-alpha footage of Distance - which perhaps explains the sudden boost in pledges. It looks a little more concrete and greyer than Nitronic Rush so far, but bear in mind that this is early footage, so hopefully it'll get a lot more colourful between now and its release around August.

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