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The widely-panned Zelda's Adventure has been demade for Game Boy

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Have you ever wondered what Zelda's Adventure would be like on Game Boy? Well, wonder no more, as one intrepid fan has taken one of the series' least well-received games and turned it into something that actually looks pretty great.

Admittedly, Zelda's Adventure is not exactly canon in the series' timeline. Developed by Viridis Corporation, it was published by Philips Interactive Media for the CD-i back in 1996.

Despite featuring a playable Zelda (in Zelda's Adventure, it is Link who has been whisked away by Ganon), the game was pretty poorly received by, well, everyone. Everything from its graphics to its acting came under fire, and even some of the most die hard Zelda fans have generally avoided it.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the series' next release, arrives later this month.Watch on YouTube

However, fast forward to today, and Zelda's Adventure is once again playable, but not on the doomed CD-i. I have to say, it all looks rather charming. This new version is the brainchild of programmer and graphic designer John Lay, who reimagined the title as a Game Boy release.

Here is a little launch trailer for it, comparing the GameBoy demake to the original CD-i version of Zelda's Adventure.

Zelda's Adventure - Game Boy Launch Trailer.Watch on YouTube

Lay told Kotaku they started working on the Zelda's Adventure demake during Covid lockdowns, and it finally released last month. If you want to have a little shot of Zelda's Adventures you can do so now on a Game Boy emulator - here's a link where you can download the ROM from Lay's Itch page.

If you don't fancy doing this, however, you can have a simply watch Lay's own playthrough via the video below.

Zelda's Adventure - Game Boy Playthrough.Watch on YouTube

As for the demake's reception, Lay told Kotaku they have been "overwhelmed by the positive feedback".

"Thanks to everyone who supported the project," Lay said. "I hope you enjoy the game!"

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