FIFA Manager 09
The Aston Villa of football management?
With all the excitement surrounding Football Manager 2009 and Championship Manager 09's shiny new 3D match engines, it's been easy to overlook the fact that one footy management series has had one for years. It's the often unfairly maligned FIFA Manager, which showed enough promise last year to suggest that the battle for the genre's top spot is no longer a two-horse race between Sports Interactive and Beautiful Game Studios.
While this year's 3D match engine hasn't made quite the same strides as FIFA Manager 08's, improvements are again evident, most notably in the form of a superbly unobtrusive and intuitive menu system, which lets you issue orders without ever leaving the action. 3D matches can be viewed either in their entirety (with each match lasting about 10 minutes) or via a set of match highlights. While the action lacks the sublime realism of Football Manager, games are eminently watchable and, at times, even thrilling. Players move the ball around intelligently while there's a discernible difference in the playing styles of a darting winger and an intelligent playmaker. Sadly, the treacle-like player movements that dampened the excitement in FIFA Manager 08 is again present here, as is a lack of animation variety that restricts the number of skills players can perform.
While the match engine may not stack up to Football Manager 2009's, the same can't be said for the rest of the game. Developer Bright Future has managed to cram an impressive array of options into its latest creation, and if you're looking for a club rather than a team management simulation, then this is the most comprehensive option out there. Despite the game's enormity, you rarely feel overawed thanks to some quality customisation options that let you to define your level of your day-to-day involvement, whether you're looking to be a player/manager/chief executive hybrid or just someone who picks the team and tactics.
There's an impressive number of licensed leagues (over 150), clubs (over 3,500) and real world players (29,000), with player stats adequately reflecting real-world attributes, though on-pitch likenesses are minimal. If you're looking to truly test your club-management credentials then you can even create your own team, replete with a custom-made stadium, club badge and an auto-generated squad of journeymen that you must somehow lead to glory.

One striking difference from last year is just how much cleaner and more accessible everything is. A drop-down menu and tabbed screens allow instant access to every management option. Newcomers are likely to struggle initially, but it only takes a few hours to become accustomed to where everything is and how it all works, with the game moving along at a decent clip despite its complexity. Player feedback has also been bolstered and it's now clearer how your decisions and press comments are influencing your squad, chairman and fans' opinions of you.
Another marked change can be found on the match tactics screen. Whether you prefer this new layout is going to be very much a matter of personal taste. While the process of issuing individual and player orders has been streamlined, the downside is a somewhat diminished level of control over defensive and offensive phase strategies. Training remains as intuitive as it ever has, with a selection of mental and physical skills available for your players to perfect, with regular feedback updates informing you of who is training well and who's being a lazy git.