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Deus Ex gameplay detailed

Jean-Francois Dugas talks through the new footage.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's getting closer. We still don't know exactly when Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be available for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, but we do know it will be early 2011, and we do know we're excited about it in around 50 different ways.

Which is apt, of course, because Human Revolution is, as much as its predecessors, a game about choice and consequence – and mixing things up as you go about making choices and living with the consequences.

Today developer Eidos Montreal unveils an exciting chunk of gameplay footage, demonstrating some of the augmentations that you will be able to put to use as you get onto the tail of its future-noir conspiracy.

As with the original unveil trailer, we thought it would be a good idea to seek some clarification in advance, so we watched the trailer a dozen times and slung some questions over to affable game director Jean-Francois Dugas, who obliged us with these replies.

Oh, and if you're a bit behind on this Deus Ex lark, do be sure to check out our detailed Deus Ex: Human Revolution preview elsewhere on the site.

New Deus Ex: Human Revolution footage.
Eurogamer What aspect of Deus Ex's gameplay are you trying to showcase with the new trailer?
Jean-Francois Dugas

We really wanted to give a glimpse of the various ways to get the job done. Whether it's about the different weapons, the various augmentations or the alternate paths, you're never reduced to a single way to deal with an obstacle. And that is at the heart of the trailer.

Eurogamer What's the orange line that appears around certain items and enemies about?
Jean-Francois Dugas

It's part of the Retinal Prosthesis augmentation that you get at the beginning of the game - it gives you information on things you can interact with, etc.

Eurogamer What are Praxis Points and how do they work?
Jean-Francois Dugas

You earn Experience Points for every mission you complete, every secret you discover, and various other meaningful actions you take. By collecting experience points you will unlock Praxis points - something you need in order to acquire and unlock new augmentation abilities.

Eurogamer The upgrade selected – Move/Throw Heavy Objects – appeared to allow Adam to move the crate so he could reach the vent. Are there any other examples of a similar application of this upgrade?
Jean-Francois Dugas

Yes, you can use objects as weapons by throwing them on enemies. You move objects and then take cover behind them, you can stack them to reach hard to reach areas, etc.

Eurogamer What is the P.E.P.S. and how does it work?
Jean-Francois Dugas

It's a non-lethal weapon using a Pulsed Energy Projection System. So, every time you hit a target with this weapon, the enemy is going to be pushed away and stunned for a moment, giving you the time to disappear before he gets his senses together.