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Uncharted 4 - Prologue & Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure

Escape across the sea in Uncharted 4's Prologue and learn the basics of climbing in Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure.

Below you'll find a walkthrough for the first two sections of Uncharted 4: Among Thieves - its short Prologue and the following Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure. Together they amount to a straightforward tutorial, and you'll be learning how to shoot, drive, jump, climb, swim, and the other acrobatic skills you'll need in the future. So pay attention to the on-screen prompts and by the end of this section, you'll have learned most of what you need to know to get around the world.

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We're immediately thrown into water-borne escape from persons unknown. Just keep your boat pointed towards the island dimly visible on the horizon and follow the on-screen prompts as the game takes you through the basic vehicle, camera, and combat controls. There's not much you can do to deviate from the path - it's largely a sequence of scripted events culminating in an explosion.

Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure

We now flashback to a young Nathan, living in a Catholic orphanage, to learn the climbing controls. Climb out of the window and cross the roof, follow it round to the right, climb the short wall at the end, and scramble onto the air conditioner.

Grab the vents above, climb over the wall, and move to the shorter section of wall ahead. Climb over it and slide down the roof, then turn left and follow the roof round to the right before climbing into the open window. Head towards the door and open it, then turn left and make your way to the partition at the end of the corridor.

Press [CIRCLE] to take cover when prompted and wait for the characters ahead to be deep in conversation before moving forward to the desk and taking cover again. When the coast is clear, head for the small room on your right and take a look at your file that's lying on the desk, then head to the large room opposite.

Take cover behind the bookshelves and wait for the nun to move across the room, then make your way to your right and round the corner. The nun will light a crafty cigarette, and when she turns to blow smoke out of the window, make a dash across the gap. Sneak round the corner behind the sofa and wait for her to take another drag, then jump through the open window.

Press [CIRCLE] to drop down to the vent below, then drop down again to the handhold. Shimmy left and grab the edge of the roof, press [CROSS] to clamber up, and head to the far end. Jump across to the platform and climb onto the next set of handholds, make your way to the right round the protruding section, and grab the drain pipe. Climb up and onto the wall, drop down, and look at the flashlight on the ground.

Now you'll be following your brother Sam for a while. Wait for him to climb the wall and let him pull you up, then follow him across the rooftops - he'll show you the ropes (metaphorically and literally), but it's safest to let him get a little bit ahead: if you try and grab a ledge before he's moved out of the way, you may end up falling to your doom. When you've reached the final balcony, descend the ladder and watch the cut-scene.

Walkthrough navigation:

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to complete Uncharted 4 - Chapter 2: Infernal Place.

- Return to the index page of this article for the rest of our Uncharted 4 walkthrough.

Other guides:

- Struggling to track down a Treasure? Have a look at our Uncharted 4 Treasures and collectibles guide.

- For details on how to unlock all of the game's Trophies, take a look at our Uncharted 4 Trophy guide.