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Microsoft challenges youth of today

Student scum: play Quantum Redshift and win ten grand!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft is perverting the youth of Britain, offering £10,000 to a student who can beat off opposition in Quantum Redshift whilst ignoring his or her studies. The ultimate student gamer will beat off competition in regional heats to be held at universities up and down the land, with a grand final in London this December, where the winner will receive the ultimate Christmas present - a cheque for ten grand.

Local heats will take place at 25 locations from mid November to early December, and each local champ will receive an Xbox, a year's subscription to C&VG magazine, random Xbox goodies and a handful of Xbox games including Quantum Redshift, Colin McRae Rally 3, TimeSplitters 2, Blade II and Halo. All bar one an excellent bundle!

Details of local heats and other information on the challenge and Quantum Redshift can be uncovered at Microsoft's official challenge website.

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