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THQ delays three titles until 2008

de Blob, Frontlines, Destroy all Humans

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Image credit: Eurogamer

GamesIndustry.biz reports that THQ has delayed the release of three titles.

The news came as the company issued new guidance for the second quarter, reflecting poorer than expected sales of Stuntman: Ignition and Juiced 2.

THQ has now moved the release of Destroy All Humans!: Path of the Furon, Frontlines: Fuel of War, and de Blob to fiscal 2009, which begins April 1, 2008.

"Because of THQ's commitment to delivering quality products, we have moved the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Destroy All Humans, and the PS3 version of Frontlines into fiscal 2009," said Farrell. "We believe the additional time will enable us to create the best products for our customers."

"Our new title de Blob has generated strong critical acclaim and excitement among gamers," Farrell added. "We have decided to schedule this title for global release next fiscal year in order to enhance the game and maximize the opportunity for this new franchise."

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