Ubisoft unveils new logo

Oh. OH! I see! So they spend literally years bitching every time the spacebar somehow fails to slip into the process of typing "Ubi Soft", and now they've gone and turned themselves into "Ubisoft" anyway! Oh well, it's easier on our hands.
In case you haven't spotted, Ubisoft has turned its back on its old logo (which we can barely remember anyway) and gone for a new "exploding sphincter" motif. Click for the large version to truly appreciate what we mean.
Personally, we're impressed by the way the new logo symbolises Ubi's forward-looking, energetic approach to business and its commitment to gamers. Also, we're excited about the way it reflects Ubi's core strategy, which has driven the company's growth all along. On the whole, we suppose it's a statement, if you like, about Ubi's increasingly recognised position in today's entertainment industry!
Or something. Swoosh!