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Capcom exceeds XBLA file-size limit

Microsoft says it's a specific "exception".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Microsoft is letting Capcom go over the 150MB Xbox Live Arcade game file-size limit to ensure "complete feature and graphical parity" between the XBLA versions of Bionic Commando Rearmed and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix and their counterparts on PlayStation Network.

"There had been some concerns, both from the producers and the public, that XBLA versions of both games may not be as super-duper as the PS3 versions," Capcom's Chris Kramer wrote on the company's US blog.

"Specifically, we had been concerned that the 1080p resolution art for SSFIIT HDR would not fit onto Xbox LIVE Arcade, while Ben Judd mused that the 360 version of BCR might not have the same hi-res textures as the PS3. Good news, everyone! Problems solved for both titles."

The larger file-size for the two games does not represent another change in Microsoft's file-size policy though, according to Capcom. "Microsoft has told us that their partners have been very happy with the file size for Xbox Live Arcade titles, and they do not see a need to change their policies anytime soon," Kramer writes.

However, "if a game warrants a file size exception, they'll provide one on a case-by-case basis".

Bionic Commando Rearmed is due out this May on PSN, XBLA and PC, while SSFII Turbo HD Remix has yet to be dated but will soon be released in beta form.

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