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Free Vice City goodies

Logos, ring tones, picture messages and MMS pics, and some wallpaper for your PC

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

If you're anything like me, the one hope your mobile phone has of looking anything but clunky, old and decrepit lies in the magic of operator logos and custom ring tones. And thanks to the success of Grand Theft Auto, now you can access free mobile phone logos, picture messages and MMS pics, and there's even a GTAIII ring tone based on the good ole theme tune.

There's only one hitch - they are limited to Nokia phones, but we imagine that's quite a lot of you, so hopefully you won't be disappointed. You can find Rockstar's selection of mobile goodies here (click the MMS link in the top right for more).

But you know, these days not everyone does own a Nokia, do they? [No -your boss] So, in the interest of keeping the rest of you happy, we've pinched (seemed appropriate) a few Vice City wallpapers based on the load screens in the game. They make very nice desktops, we can assure you. Although they aren't sized to fit your entire desktop, they look lovely draped across the centre of whatever colour desktop you employ. Since we don't normally do this, we don't know exactly what sizes to offer, but we're guessing that images to fit 800x600, 1024x768 and a larger 1600x1200 display are appropriate. Links below; help yourself.

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