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Video Game Reviews (Page 319)

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Midtown Madness 2

Review - as huge fans of the original Midtown titles, we approached this one with all the journalistic impartiality of a group of schoolboys being offered free chips, and just look where it's gotten us..
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Action Bass

Review - fishing on the PlayStation? Sounds like a killer game concept. No really!
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Rayman 2

Review - Rayman 2 on the Dreamcast was a breath of fresh air in the now stale console platforming genre. Can the PSX verison mimic its success?
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Star Trek : New Worlds

Review - Interplay boldly take the Star Trek franchise where no game has gone before, with a ground-based strategy game
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Fur Fighters

Review - taking your frustrations out on furry critters as they hop around a luscious cartoony world. Sounds like a Tweenies fantasy, I agree, but the subject of today's review really does want you to do this!
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Heavy Metal : FAKK2

Review - we examine FAKK2's assets in our definitive review of the third person action game
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Logitech MouseMan Wheel

Review - we take on Logitech's latest creation, an optical mouse to try and go against Microsoft's market supremacy in this area. Find out how it does in today's review
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X-Men : Mutant Academy

Review - We put Activision's handheld X-Men beat-em-up through its paces in today's pocket review
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Land Maker

Should Japanese puzzle games be translated with such vigour these days? Not every game's a Tetris or a Puyo Puyo, and sadly Land Maker is a cautionary tale to this effect.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

AMD Athlon "Thunderbird"

This weekend we take a look at the pinnacle of processing excellence, the new AMD Athlon "Thunderbird". A CPU for the next generation of gamers perhaps?
Eurogamer wallpaper


Just in time for the weekend we investigate the pocket-isation of THQ's classic platform pal, Croc.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Sydney 2000

With the Olympics kicking off in Australia, we take a look at the official game of the games
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Virtua Athlete 2000

We take a look at the second in Sega's series of summer sports titles, after the success of Virtua Tennis which was released this week.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Hercules Prophet 2 MX

We take a look at a budget graphics card based on NVIDIA's GeForce 2 MX chip - could this be a bargain?
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Grand Prix 3

We take a look at Geoff Crammond's eventual update to the once seminal now classic Grand Prix series. Is it really as good as they want you to think? Nope, it's better.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Warlords Battlecry

The Warlords strategy series goes real-time - can it pull it off? Read our review to find out!