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Video Game Reviews (Page 304)

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Golden Sun review

Review - the GBA's best RPG to date and one of the finest-looking, sounding and playing handheld games in existence
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

GeForce 4 Titanium 4600

Review - the fastest video card company on the planet is going for its guns again
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Boxing Fever

Review - someone finally does something decent with boxing on a handheld, but can it live up to Nintendo's original Punch Out?
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Gorasul : Legacy Of The Dragon

Review - You think this is a review? A review of a role-playing game? A review written by Gestalt? Um .. you're right, actually.
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Monsters, Inc.

Review - the film was always going to be license fodder, but who could have predicted such a good game?
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Review - Fishtank's amazingly good-looking underwater combat title finally arrives
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Review - Heroes of Might & Magic meets Magic : The Gathering in this turn-based strategy game
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Power Diggerz

Review - quirky PSone gaming straight out of Japan
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Review - awful Stallone movie turned into decent GBA motor racing game
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Review - a delicious swansong for the Dreamcast, and arguably an MGS beater!
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Rally Trophy

Review - rally driving goes retro in Bugbear's 70's racing game
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Review - a mixture of action, adventure and role-playing in a dark fantasy world
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Wario Land 4

Review - Nintendo's latest crack at the platform genre arrives on the GameBoy Advance
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Floigan Brothers

Review - it's shorter than a movie, so can Floigan still be worth having?
Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background

Ecks V Sever

Review - another first person shooter comes to the GameBoy Advance