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Reader Reviews

Bomberman Generation, Agent Under Fire, our ECTS stand and flight sims in general.

Eurogamer's ECTS Stand

by otto

It's the last week of August, and you're standing blinking and bewildered amid the noise and bedlam of the world's, well Europe's, well Britain's premier videogaming event - the European Computer Trade Show! Overwhelmed by the lights and the din and the smell, ewww the smell, you clutch your pass, you close your eyes, and you look within yourself for something soothing, something comforting, something to hold you by the hand and tell you that it's OK, it's OK! You belong here! These are your people! And sure enough, as you clench your little fists and think happy thoughts, a great calm descends upon you and you open your eyes to gaze upon Earl's Court in a new light: the light of 1980s Melbourne!

The new, relaxed, confident you knows that there is only one place to be in 1980s Melbourne, and that is Ramsay Street. You stride out purposefully and suddenly, there it is! You knock on the door (careful! it's flimsy) and peer in. They're all there! Harold Bishop (Rob), Mike Young (krudster), Paul and Scott Robinson (Nick & Rupert). Good old Ned Mangel (Tom). Unsurprisingly there's no room in there for anyone else. But who's this from the booth next door, trying to read my barcode with her breasts? It... it's Daphne the ex-stripper!