IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
Stallin' for Stalin.
15th July, 1940. In a bunker, 10 feet below the bustling pavements of Whitehall, a pudgy, cigar-chewing, bulldog of a man sits lost in thought as the Battle of Britain rages overhead. 15th July, 2009. In that same bunker, 10 feet below the bustling streets of Whitehall, a pudgy, biro-chewing, poodle of a man sits lost in thought as the Battle of Britain rages on a huge plasma screen in front of him. 505 Games couldn't have picked a more appropriate location for demonstrating its imminent (4th September) combat flight sim. The dusty catacombs of the Cabinet War Rooms ooze WW2 authenticity, and, happily, it looks like IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey does too.
As a firm fan of the original realism-rich PC series, I went along expecting to be unimpressed. I feared I'd find my dear old friend, pale, withered, unrecognisable. I really should have had more faith. Yes, detail and depth has definitely been shed in the shift to PS3 and Xbox 360, but enough has survived to ensure Birds of Prey won't be lumped in with the likes of Blazing Angels and Secret Weapons Over Normandy when the history of console flight games comes to be written.
In some areas the youngster actually manages to be more realistic than its parent. The six tracts of European territory that provide the backdrops for the single and multiplayer action are staggeringly handsome - far more convincing than anything you'll find in the PC version. Kent's higgledy-piggledy fields and hedgerows, the Ardennes' snow-softened valleys and pine forests, and Berlin's breathtaking sea of rooftops and spires... PC simmers would kill to gaze down at such vistas.

Apparently, some poor soul at Gaijin has spent the last two years locked in a room turning contemporary satellite imagery and digital elevation data into gorgeous in-game terrain. Every trace of modernity has been painstakingly removed, millions of separate trees and buildings added. The results impress even at the lowest altitudes. Considering the amount of detail, it's astonishing just how far apart the horizons are. None of the arenas are smaller than 60km by 60km. That scourge of lite flight fare, the "You are leaving the mission area! Turn back!" message, shouldn't be a problem in Birds of Prey.
Neither should Spitfire-fatigue. Though the sim does set a portion of its 50 missions during Britain's familiar Finest Hour, and includes usual suspects like the Hurricane, Mustang and Messerschmitt 109 amongst its 12 flyables, it also ventures down some of WW2's least-frequented alleys. However many sims are on your shelf, chances are you won't have tangled with Italian bombers over Sicily, watched stricken Yaks plunge towards ruined Stalingrad, or pounded Panzers in the Korsun Pocket too many times before. These touches of the unfamiliar - the unfashionable - are IL-2 through-and-through. It would have been monstrously disloyal had Birds of Prey shipped without a major Eastern Front or similarly exotic component.

Other pleasant surprises include the view selection. Virtual cockpits are not only present, they are sculpted and skinned to an improbably high standard. None of your half-hearted HAWX panels here. If you choose to max-out the various realism settings you're going to be seeing a lot of these excellent interiors too. At its most uncompromising, Birds of Prey will prevent you from using any external cameras. It will disable the handy radar display, refuse to tell you which aircraft in view are friends and which are foe (get closer to distinguish them) or step in when your plane starts stalling or spinning. Only the acest aces will survive. Just about the only pulled punches are red-outs and black-outs. Even in 'simulation' mode you can pull as many Gs as you like and your vision will remain mountain-lake-clear.