Xbox (Page 2198)

PlayStation 2 Armageddon
Interplay talk about the new PlayStation 2 version of wacky third person action game "MDK2"

Flight sims, military style
The boys from SimHQ visit the US Navy to take a look at their own flight sim setups...

Thumbs bandaged
BBC "indefinitely postpones" their planned computer games TV series "Bleeding Thumbs"

More PlayStation 2 woes for Sony
British retailers to get 35,000 less consoles than expected before Christmas, and Europe may tax PS2 imports

Microsoft hatches a new plan to rule the gaming world
Software giant unveils Incubator and Independent Developer Programs for its Xbox console

Thunder Tanks bombard PlayStation
3DO Europe's "World Destruction League : Thunder Tanks" is due out on PlayStation next Friday, with a PS2 version set for a March 2001 release

Half-Life : Dreamcast delayed until 2001
Sierra want to get it right first time for console release

Jeux Sans Frontiers
Article - could consoles and PCs be about to merge into one glorious whole?

Xbox 'blueprint' leaked
It may look like a VCR, but it's actually a console, and a nicely expandable one at that

Seagate to supply HDDs for Xbox
Microsoft announce a strategic partner in venerable hard-disk specialist Seagate

UbiSoft goes shopping for comics
French publisher licenses "XIII", and no, we've never heard of it before either

Pikachu - I sue you!
Uri Geller takes Nintendo to court over the Yun Geller character in the company's "Pokemon" games

Tomb Raider : Necrophiliac
A very literal adaptation of flogging a dead horse, this time on the PlayStation 2

Sega bow out of the console race
The company intends to focus on the software industry and increasing its share to monolithic proportions

Xbox handheld revisited
Apparently the fact that it will bear no relation to its big brother is only starting to dawn on people

Midas touch for PlayStation 2
Midas announce their second PlayStation 2 title, due January 2001

ZX Spectrum resurrected
New games console for retro gaming fanatics unearthed, now available in a budget bin near you

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Review - is that your final review? Are you absolutely sure? Final review?