Xbox (Page 2160)
March Summoning
PlayStation 2 version of Volition's third person RPG due in the UK on March 23rd
Thinking About The Box
Article - with the Xbox finally unveiled, we take a look at just what the new console has to offer
Revised Xbox Specs
As we predicted, Microsoft announce updated specifications for their next generation console
Pre-Christmas Releases
The last shopping days before Christmas introduce some interesting new toys to the market!
Bungie Q&A
Halo creators Bungie underwent the ordeal of fielding questions from the public on IGN's chat servers yesterday, and we learnt quite a bit
Phantasy Star Online close?
It's out in Japan, don't you know. Take a gander at the latest trailer to whet your appetite
MGS2 Could Take Another Year
But if all goes according to plan, we could be playing it as early as March, or at least, playing a part of it
SSX GameCube?
You betcha! EA pledge to provide a special edition version for Nintendo's forthcoming console