Wuthering Waves Perspective Bender puzzle solutions
How to solve all Perspective Bender puzzles in the Desorock Highland.
You need to solve puzzles in the Perspective Bender Domain in Wuthering Waves in order to complete the Domain and get your rewards, so we've detailed all Perspective Bender puzzle solutions below.
For clarity, just in case there are more added to Wuthering Waves in the future, we're describing the solutions to the 'Configurational Truth' Perspective Bender puzzles found in the northwestern area of the Desorock Highland in Huanglong.
For more help in your travels across Solaris-3, check out our Banner schedule, multiplayer co-op explainer, and how to complete The Hidden Truth walkthrough.
On this page:
How to unlock Perspective Bender Domain in Wuthering Waves
You need to complete the 'Restart the Radar' side quest in order to unlock the Perspective Bender Domain in Wuthering Waves. This side quest is located in the northeastern corner of the Rearguard Base. Talk to the upset soldier to start the quest.

Once the 'Restart the Radar' side quest is finished, the Perspective Bender Domain appears on your map in the northwestern corner of the Desorock Highland, and you can Fast Travel directly to its location by selecting the Domain's symbol.

Wuthering Waves Perspective Bender puzzle solution 1
To solve the first Perspective Bender puzzle, plunge attack the top tile to turn all four tiles black. The wall in front of you will slide up and you can continue to the next puzzle.

Wuthering Waves Perspective Bender puzzle solution 2
This next puzzle takes a lot longer than the first, so here's step-by-step instructions for how to solve the second Perspective Bender puzzle in Wuthering Waves:
- Use the mechanism to rotate the room clockwise twice to get the Supply Chest.
- Go back to the mechanism and rotate the room clockwise once to place the tiles on the bottom floor.
- Hit the three diagonal middle tiles so they turn white to match the pattern on the wall in front of you.
- Jump on the green plant, glide over to the next mechanism, then rotate it clockwise once.
- Go through the gap revealed on the right-hand side of the room.
- Plunge attack the middle tile to turn it black and reveal a room on the other side.
- Go into the next room to defeat the enemies and claim the Tidal Heritage for bonus rewards.
- Go back to the mechanism and rotate counterclockwise once.
- Jump on the green plant and glide over to the stairs across the way.

All you have to do now is defeat the enemies up the stairs to lower the barrier into the next room containing the final Perspective Bender puzzle in this 'Configurational Truth' Domain.
Wuthering Waves Perspective Bender puzzle solution 3
To solve the final Perspective Bender puzzle in Wuthering Waves, you have to first rotate the mechanism clockwise twice, so the full pattern is above the portal in front of you, then you have to plunge attack the black tiles on the top-half of the pattern to turn them white.
The only black tiles on the pattern now should be on the left and right sides of the bottom-half of the pattern.
Here's pictures showing exactly how to solve the puzzle:

You can go back to the mechanism at any time to reset the tiles back to the way they were in the beginning and then follow the instructions above to solve the puzzle easily.
A Supply Chest will appear in front of the now opened portal, so make sure to open it before leaving!
Wuthering Waves Perspective Bender rewards
Not including the contents of the Supply Chest at the end, here are all of the Perspective Bender rewards in Wuthering Waves:
- x50 Union Experience
- x45 Astrite
- 13,000 Shell Credits
- x5 Wood-textured Shard
- x5 Premium Tuner
- x10 Advanced Tuner
- x2 Advanced Sealed Tube
- x4 Medium Sealed Tube
- x2 Medium Resonance Potion
- x2 Medium Energy Core
- x1 2-Star Tyro Broadblade
- x1 2-Star Tyro Sword
- x1 2-Star Tyro Rectifier
- x1 1-Star Training Rectifier
Have fun exploring the rest of Huanglong in Wuthering Waves!