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Virtua Fighter 5 REVO out on PC today, adding Rollback Netcode

Goh get it.

Virtua Fighter 5 REVO trailer screenshot showing Akira close up wearing white bandana
Image credit: Sega

Sega has released Virtua Fighter 5 REVO on PC today, with Rollback Netcode and more features.

The game was announced in November with a "winter" release, but is now available on Steam at the budget price of £12.79 (a 20 percent off introductory price).

This is a remaster of Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown, arriving 18 years after the original Virtua Fighter 5 released on PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2007 (a year after its arcade release in 2006).

Virtua Fighter 5 REVO | Launch TrailerWatch on YouTube

Ultimate Showdown arrived on PS4 in 2021, co-developed by Yakuza studio Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and Sega AM2 and built in the Dragon Engine. It featured updated graphics and new online features, among other changes.

That version now arrives on PC with even more additions. Most importantly, it includes Rollback Netcode to ensure a smooth experience when battling online.

It also includes 4K resolution at 60fps, balance adjustments, new moves and combos, and new online modes to compete with up to 16 other players, including Tournaments and League.

Sega announced the next major game in the series at last year's The Game Awards with a pre-rendered tease. This was followed by an in-engine trailer of series mascot Akira at Nvidia's keynote speech during the Consumer Electronics Show.

Indeed, the company is in the process of reviving a number of its older franchises, like Crazy Taxi, Shinobi, and Jet Set Radio.

Earlier today, Eurogamer reported Sega has filed a new trademark for Dreamcast and GameCube RPG Skies of Arcadia.

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