The Evil Within shuffles forwards again
Shinji Mikami's horror game gets yet another release date.
Like the undead creatures you'll mangle and burn while playing, The Evil Within has shuffled its release date forwards. Europe will now get the game on 14 October, the same day as the US.
Previously, it had been pegged for 21 October. Of course, before that it was supposed to come out on 29 August. It's moved around a lot. The new date is for both the retail and digital releases, across Xbox Live, PlayStation Network and Steam.
The Evil Within marks the return to survival horror of designer Shinji Mikami, creator of Resident Evil. His influence comes across pretty strongly, with arcane puzzles, limited ammo and fantastically hammy B-movie dialogue.
If you pre-order the game, you'll get the Fighting Chance pack which starts you in the game with a medical kit, a double-barreled shotgun, and an incendiary agony bolt and a poison agony bolt for your crossbow. You'll also get some "green gel". That's the gloopy currency used to upgrade your abilities, not shampoo.