The Amiga is 30 years old today
Happy birthday!
Ah, the Amiga. Dear readers of a certain age will remember it well. I was a little late to the party; when I think of Amiga I think of my Amiga 1200 and swapping between 5000 floppy disks - yes, disk with a k - while playing The Secret of Monkey Island 2. Those who owned one will will have their own fond memories.

Why bring this up now? Because Amiga just turned 30 years old. That's right. It's time to think about mortgages, kids and getting married, Mr. Amiga. It's time to grow up.
Commodore launched the first model, A1000 on 23rd July 1985, and it quickly proved popular with its impressive graphical and audio abilities. The Amiga 500 - the best-selling Amiga - followed in 1987 and shifted around six million units. Then came the A3000, the A500+ and the A600.
The A1200 and the A4000 came out in 1992, and while popular (with me at least) those machines signalled the end for the Amiga, which succumbed to the mid-1990s competition that came from IBM PC and Apple Macintosh.
What was your favourite Amiga game? Mine were both Secret of Monkey Islands, Cannon Fodder, Sensible World of Soccer, Lemmings, The Settlers, UFO: Enemy Unknown, Syndicate and Theme Park.
My Amiga 1200 came with Dennis. That was not one of my favourite Amiga games.
Check out 100 Amiga games in 10 minutes in the video below.