And that's a wrap. The hotly tipped Last Guardian was a no-show, but we did get the announcements of Gravity Rush 2, a PS4 remaster of the first Gravity Rush, a Bloodborne expansion called The Old Hunters, the reappearance of Tecmo Koei's long since AWOL samurai game Nioh, changeable colour plates for the PS4 and Project Morpheus' new name - PlayStation VR. Oh, and a dodgy-looking new online Resident Evil. Please look forward to them, and relive the press conference as it happened below.
Good morning from balmy Tokyo, and what in the hell are you even doing up at this hour?
– Martin Robinson
There's just over five hours 'til the conference kicks off, I've just put a wash on in the basement of our Shibuya apartment and I'm now thinking of heading out for a coffee or just eating a banana.
– Martin Robinson
More as it happens.
– Martin Robinson
Cimeas: What's Tokyo like this time of year
Grey, hot and sticky, like an old man who's just climbed several flights of stairs.
– Martin Robinson
MrSec84: Tonnes of potential here!
Maybe we'll see a Gravity Rush remake for PS4 or a sequel.
New TLG footage.
SCEJ are rumored to be making a FF style RPG.
PD could show off GT for PS4.
Level 5 could show their PS4 exclusive (rumored to be a new Dark Chronicle).
Knack or Puppeteer teams could have new games to show.
Asian 3rd party PS4 exclusives could be announced.
Tonnes of possibilities!!!!!
Or we could just see a new God Eater game! I'm actually quite optimistic, though - more The Last Guardian seems locked in, and I think we'll get at least one other exciting announcement besides that.
– Martin Robinson
More important updates: after visiting Akihabara yesterday I now have a Shy Guy plushie, assorted Mother 2 paraphernalia, and I'm currently mulling over whether £120 is a reasonable amount of money to part with for a Sexy Parodius PCB. I am 34. I have no shame.
– Martin Robinson
OMG, THIS JUST IN! I'm about to go grab a coffee and take a quick walk around Yoyogi Park before this all kicks off. Catch you all in a few short hours!
– Martin Robinson
arkhamtheknight: Someone needs to tell Eurogamer that the show starts at 7am in UK based on the countdown on the YouTube Stream.
According to our invite from Sony the event starts at 4pm JST, which is 8am in the UK. That's what time we're planning on being there!
– Martin Robinson
It's happening! Well, it being Aoife and I sitting in Tokyo Midtown eating bento boxes while we wait for it all to start.
– Martin Robinson
No-one dare eat the egg oblong.
– Martin Robinson
To confirm, and to avoid any confusion over BST/GMT and all that jazz, it all kicks off in 30 minutes from now.
– Martin Robinson
While you wait for it to kick off! We went to check out Akihabara and the arcades yesterday and put together a video podcast that'll help you while away 15 minutes or so.
– Martin Robinson
MrSec84: @arkhamtheknight: hopefully, new announcements of cool stuff always make up for it.
BTW @Martin Robinson is that one of those funky oblong omelets?
It is. I'm not touching it.
– Martin Robinson
We are in! Although the Wi-Fi isn't playing nice with my laptop so I'm on my phone, which means I can't see your comments. Sorry!
– Martin Robinson
Of interest! Hidetaka Miyazaki is a few rows ahead of us in the auditorium.
– Martin Robinson
Tokyo Midtown, where the conference is taking place, is also home to Konami HQ. I just took a slash before the conference and I swear I saw Seabass clearing out one of the stalls.
– Martin Robinson
They're pumping out the PS4 menu music, which is super soothing. Enough, combined with my crippling jetlag, to send me to sleep.
– Martin Robinson
IMPORTANT UPDATE! My laptop is now playing nice, you'll all be delighted to hear, so I can now go through all your comments. Which is usually way more entertaining than watching the conference itself, so I'm super relieved.
– Martin Robinson
Lights dim, music starts pumping, let's do this.
– Martin Robinson
Metal Gear! Catweagle! FF15! All the big names! (Oh, and that Gust RPG I can't quite recall the name of).
– Martin Robinson
And a glimpse at Persona 5 - release date please!
– Martin Robinson
Atsushi Morita takes the stage. Last year's conference was his first day on the job.
– Martin Robinson
Sony, somewhat annoyingly, had its conference the past couple of years before TGS itself. But now we're closer to the show, which starts on Thursday.
– Martin Robinson
Let's start big, why don't we? New Vita colours are launching soon in Japan.
– Martin Robinson
Malek86: Nooo, can we turn off the translating voice?
I don't know about you, but I'm finding it quite useful....
– Martin Robinson
We're getting PS4 info, and Vita info. The Vita lives!
– Martin Robinson
I've seen a couple of Vitas out in the wild the past few days, which has been a pleasant surprise. And there have been less 3DS units, if my Street Pass is to be believed.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
A focus on SCEJ titles. And we're kicking off with Bloodborne.
*ahem* excuse me. Aoife just punched me in excitement when we reliased we're about to see the new DLC for Bloodborne.
– Martin Robinson
Will we finally be able to open that locked door?
– Martin Robinson
Looks like new locations, new enemy types and some cool new mechanics. Fingers crossed this'll be playable on the show floor later this week.
– Martin Robinson
I'm so excited for this my leg's shaking a little bit.
– Martin Robinson
The Old Hunters, it's called.
– Martin Robinson
A full-scale download content. And it's out at the end of November.
– Martin Robinson
24th November, which I hope is the same outside of Japan.
– Martin Robinson
December 3rd there'll be a new pack that contains Bloodborne and the new expansion.
– Martin Robinson
Everybody's Golf next. If you've played the Vita version, you know this is worth taking an interest in.
– Martin Robinson
It looks almost like PlayStation Home has found its way to PS4.
– Martin Robinson
But, y'know, with more golf. That, and lots of standing around waterfalls dancing.
– Martin Robinson
2016 launch for the new Everybody's Golf. Again, not sure how that'll translate for outside of Japan.
– Martin Robinson
Uncharted 4 next, which now has a Japanese release date. No new trailer.
– Martin Robinson
But who cares when we go straight into Gravity Rush on PS4.
– Martin Robinson
It looks like a port rather than a sequel.
– Martin Robinson
A Gravity Rush sequel was announced, quite quietly, at TGS a couple of years back. Is this paving the way for that coming to PS4?
– Martin Robinson
The port is out very soon - 12th October in Japan - and the series is continuing in 2016, we can presume, on the PS4.
– Martin Robinson
Ah, and this is it.
– Martin Robinson
– Martin Robinson
It's not polite - or particularly graceful - to holler at conferences, but god loard it's hard to stop myself yelping a bit at this.
– Martin Robinson
As you'd expect for a PS4 sequel, Gravity Rush 2 (or Gravity Daze, as it's called over here) is rather handsome.
– Martin Robinson
There are more tie-in projects for Gravity Daze , including anime and a Figma model of Kat that's launching soon.
– Martin Robinson
Nothing, in that small SCEJ section on The Last Guardian. Not just yet, anyway.
– Martin Robinson
A release date mic-drop for The Last Guardian would be a good way to end the show.
– Martin Robinson
Anyway, onwards! Ubisoft's here, showing us what looks like For Honour.
– Martin Robinson
Or For Honor or whatever I don't even care.
– Martin Robinson
MrTomFTW: In terms of games 2015 really is Microsoft's isn't it?
A shame, I'm really looking for an excuse to buy a PS4.
Yeah, for sure. Microsoft has its own event in a couple of weeks here, too. And there's going to be some eye-catching exclusives there.
– Martin Robinson
So many miles from home, yet I feel like I'm back in Laaaaandan town. A new trailer for Assassin's Creed Unity.
– Martin Robinson
Er, I meant Syndicate, obviously.
– Martin Robinson
Ubi out.
– Martin Robinson
Again, I break all decorum by squeeing a bit when Sega's Nagoshi takes the stage.
– Martin Robinson
We're only just about to get Yakuza 5 in the west, so whatever's being announced here is a long way from our shores, if it ever makes it across at all.
– Martin Robinson
Kiryu just slapped a child in the trailer for Yakuza Kiwami. You wouldn't get *that* at E3.
– Martin Robinson
This is a remake of the first Yakuza, and it's coming to both PS3 and PS4 in January.
– Martin Robinson
In Japan, that is.
– Martin Robinson
And as it's the 10th anniversary, why not announce Yakuza 6? There'll be more details at TGS, and it's a PS4 exclusive, coming out the end of next year.
– Martin Robinson
Malek86: So it's like, the second remaster of the game?
This one's more a remake than a remaster. But, yeah.
– Martin Robinson
We'll try to make our way to Sega's booth to get you more on Yakuza 6 when the show starts proper on Thursday.
– Martin Robinson
Aaaaaand now, The King of Fighters 14.
– Martin Robinson
Assassin's update: we're pretty sure what we just saw was the announcement of a Jack the Ripper-themed DLC for Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. Included in the Season Pass.
– Oli Welsh
Oh, that was brief. It's straight onto Just Cause 3. No room to breathe.
– Martin Robinson
It's got explosions in it.
– Martin Robinson
Phantasy Star Online 2, which will *never* come out on PS4 in the west. Oh it hurts to type that.
– Martin Robinson
Some game with ewoks in it I dunno. Anyway, that's that montage wrapped up, Bandai Namco's going to dim the lights and give us a little loving.
– Martin Robinson
In all the excitement, I completely missed that Ubisoft is doing Jack the Ripper DLC for Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. Saucy Jack! I can't quite believe they're going there.
– Martin Robinson
Anyway, onto One Piece Burning Blood, which is for PS4 and Vita, if that's your sort of thing.
– Martin Robinson
Sheetbike: What's going on with this dude's collar?
I've been starting at it for the last 30 seconds, and I've counted about 27 different things going on with it right now.
– Martin Robinson
Mr. Bandai Namco either looks like he wants to rush off the stage to curl one out, or he's suffering from a big one last night. Or both. Who knows!
– Martin Robinson
JensWeissflog: That man had the worst-fitting suit I've seen in a while.
I think it's two different suits, from what I can tell.
– Martin Robinson
It's okay, Mr. Bandai Namco it's all over now. Go do what you need to do.
– Martin Robinson
Koei Tecmo o'clock, with a whole world of reveals for you.
– Martin Robinson
Koei Tecmo's suit game is much more on point than Bandai Namco's, that's for sure.
– Martin Robinson
Toukiden 2 is up first. Which will make some people happy. And others non-plussed. It's an open world action game, coming to PS3, PS4 and Vita.
– Martin Robinson
This has more graphics than I've seen in a Koei Tecmo game before. You want insight, we've got it here at Eurogamer. I should totally be in charge of the next Digital Foundry face-off.
– Martin Robinson
Ni-Oh, which is what we're being introduced to, is a PS4 exclusive. Which is probably why is has all the graphics.
– Martin Robinson
It was announced way back in 2004, and is based on a script by Akira Kurosawa, who I'm told was quite good at making movie-films.
– Martin Robinson
I'd rather play the game of Ikiru, but each to their own.
– Martin Robinson
And here's Square Enix!
– Martin Robinson
It's Final Fantasy in chibi mode, or World of Final Fantasy as it's also known.
– Martin Robinson
I'm silly enough to be excited for this. PS4 and Vita, coming in 2016 - nothing we didn't know from before.
– Martin Robinson
Star Ocean is teed up.
– Martin Robinson
Star Ocean 4 just freaked me out too much with its weird mannequin-like figures. Star Ocean 5 has a release date - February next year.
– Martin Robinson
The latest in the SaGa series, which was announced last year for Vita.
– Martin Robinson
Whatascoop: Hope it gets translated to honesty and atheism.
10/10 would play.
– Martin Robinson
Kingdom Hearts - it could be 2.9, which leaked recently.
– Martin Robinson
SaGa Scarlet Grace - so we have a title at last, and it's coming to Vita soon.
– Martin Robinson
Sorry, make that 2.8.
– Martin Robinson
I really want to meet the person who comes up with game names at Square Enix. I'm not sure, though, if I want to slap them or pat them on the back.
– Martin Robinson
It's three games in one.
– Martin Robinson
Nothing on FF15 or Final Fantasy 7 remake at the conference today.
– Martin Robinson
An update on 15 is expected during TGS itself at some point, but don't expect anything major.
– Martin Robinson
MrTomFTW: 2.8? Reads more like a 2.9.
– Martin Robinson
Our first look, now at what the Tokyo RPG factory is up to for Square. I'm told they're making SNES-like experiences, and they seem to be on Vita only for now.
– Martin Robinson
13 Sentinel quickly flashes up, and now we have Capcom for what we think will be a new game reveal.
– Martin Robinson
The series' producer is up on stage, telling us how the Biohazard/Resident Evil series is coming up to its 20th anniversary.
– Martin Robinson
He's just announced a logo to celebrate the 20th anniversary.
– Martin Robinson
Oh come on just announce 7. (It's not going to happen).
– Martin Robinson
Instead, we get what looks like a sequel to Racoon City.
– Martin Robinson
A shooting-focussed game with, I believe, a multiplayer focus.
– Martin Robinson
And a weapon called a Zombie Bell, so it's always got that.
– Martin Robinson
Well, this doesn't quite look like what everyone wanted from the Resident Evil series in 2016.
– Martin Robinson
And now it's Spike Chunsoft, showing off its collaboration with tri-Ace, Exist Archive.
– Martin Robinson
The Danganronpa sequel that's been teased is about to be revealed.
– Martin Robinson
Danganronpa V3 is coming to PS4 and Vita, and that's Spike Chunsoft wrapping.
– Martin Robinson
Dragon Quest section. More games we'll never get to play, even if we ask Square Enix really, really nicely.
– Martin Robinson
Maybe if we ask them a little less nicely we'll get results? Dragon Quest Heroes 2 is in development, which we knew.
– Martin Robinson
Another Dragon Quest announcement inbound.
– Martin Robinson
Though I'd be happy for them to just double down and hurry up with 11.
– Martin Robinson
Ah, it's just Dragon Quest Builders, the curious Minecraft-like entry in the series.
– Martin Robinson
This genre, we're told is block-making RPG. Or some just call it Minecraft.
– Martin Robinson
Another surprise - it's coming out the end of January in Japan.
– Martin Robinson
Whatascoop: Surprise! it's not coming to the West
My jaw just dropped.
– Martin Robinson
Indie-me-do o' clock time.
– Martin Robinson
Mighty Number 9, Olli Olli 2, Octodad, Galak-Z (which is *amazing*) and Ultra Time Force, among others.
– Martin Robinson
Which, if you're a discerning player with taste, you've probably got on your hard drive already.
– Martin Robinson
From indie to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, which feels like quite the leap.
– Martin Robinson
We're getting a trailer tailored for the Japanese audience, which could be something of a treat.
– Martin Robinson
Oh, it looks kind of like the trailers we've seen before but with added Mark Lamia politeness.
– Martin Robinson
'Look at the crunch in his eyes', John Bedford says. You almost see it beyond the glassy stare.
– Martin Robinson
Drop the bomb, Sony - changeable colour plates for the PS4.
– Martin Robinson
Nine colours. NINE of them. Only available from Sony stores, and coming out in November for 2500 yen - which is about £15.
– Martin Robinson
Starting from tomorrow in Japan the beta's live.
– Martin Robinson
Come on Morita-san, more excited. MORE EXCITED. I'm not going to be satisfied 'til you rip your shirt off and scream out every new announcement.
– Martin Robinson
Morpheus now - we're expecting more demos of new titles later this week (and of course we'll update you as and when we get to see them!)
– Martin Robinson
Mostly, though, I'm just looking forward to Hatsune Miku VR edition.
– Martin Robinson
Oh, and Morpheus is now called PlayStation VR.
– Martin Robinson
Sony's going big on PlayStation VR, and there's going to be a whole world of demos at TGS and across Japan this week.
– Martin Robinson
Including that weird pervy game from Harada's Tekken team.
– Martin Robinson
A PS4 price-drop as well, to 34,980 yen. Which is about £190.
– Martin Robinson
(Bear in mind, though, that the exchange rate is currently in our favour).
– Martin Robinson
We're wrapping now, without too much on The Last Guardian.
– Martin Robinson
Which makes me a little sad, and a lot of you as well.
– Martin Robinson
Oh well, here's a mental TV ad for PS4 in Japan to make it all better.
– Martin Robinson
Who cares about a release date for The Last Guardian when you can see a man on a skateboard with fire coming out of his bottom?
– Martin Robinson
And that's a wrap - Gravity Daze 2 and Morpheus re-branding are the headlines.
– Martin Robinson
Resident Evil's first-person shooter spin-off something of a lowlight, and a whole world of games that may never make it out of Japan.
– Martin Robinson
Thank you for joining us - we'll be bringing you plenty more from the show as it happens through the week.