Sony announces PlayStation 4 Pro for November 2016, priced £349
UPDATE: Specs confirmed, images online, no 4K Blu-ray player.
UPDATE: Sony has confirmed the specs of the PS4 Pro.

The specs match the leaked specs we reported on earlier this year, and confirm the 4.2TF GPU.
Of particular interest is the surprising lack of a 4K Blu-ray player in the PS4 Pro, which means the focus of the device, clearly, is on games. While the PS4 Pro does not support 4K Blu-ray discs, it does provide auto-upscaling for standard Blu-ray discs.
Sony said at launch you can download patches for games, such as Uncharted 4, which are "enhanced" when playing on the PS4 Pro.
Future releases that have PS4 Pro enhancements built-in include Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Mass Effect: Andromeda and Days Gone.
But what if you don't have a 4K telly? Sony insisted the PS4 Pro will still benefit you. All games will run in 1080p resolution, Sony said, and some will run in a higher or more stable frame-rate.
Meanwhile, Sony released a few images of the PS4 Pro. They're below.

ORIGINAL STORY: Sony has announced the Playstation 4 Pro machine at the PlayStation Meeting 2016. It will be released 10th November 2016, for £349/$399. This is the PlayStation Neo machine rumoured for so long.

Sony's chief console maker Mark Cerny said PS4 Pro has "more than doubled" the GPU power of the standard PS4, and that it uses AMD's Polaris architecture. The clock-rate of the CPU has been boosted but he didn't say what to.
The PS4 Pro will have a 1TB hard-drive.
Sony's message with the PS4 Pro was clear, and repeated: it is a this-generation machine for people pursuing 4K gaming, virtual reality and HDR gaming - the hardcore technology enthusiast. By naming it PS4 Pro, Sony is declaring the generation it belongs to.
PS4 Pro will play existing PS4 games and Sony is working on ways to transfer your data across. Cerny talked about "forward compatibility" and showed how existing games can and are being patched to look better on PS4 Pro. He said over a half-a-dozen first-party games have "forward compatibility" patches in the works.
Sony also finally unveiled the PS4 Slim with a 15th September 2016 release date and price of £259.