Snazzy Witcher 3 vinyl soundtrack coming
Leshen up!
Hey, hipster! Get those turntables out. A snazzy double soundtrack vinyl LP is coming for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
It's got awfully alluring packaging - a silhouetted leshen backed by a forest in reds and oranges - and comes on 'frosty grey' discs, "just like Geralt's beard!" reads seller ThinkGeek's description. The Witcher 3: Original Soundtrack - Exclusive Vinyl Double LP will be released this coming Friday, 2nd June, and cost $29.99. The full tracklist is below.
According to GamePressure, which translated a Polish report from, there will also be a limited Collector's Edition with a third vinyl disc, containing music from the game's first expansion Hearts of Stone.

Disc 1 Side A
- The Trail
- Geralt of Rivia
- Eredin, King of the Hunt
- Wake Up, Ciri
- Aen Seidhe
- Commanding the Fury
- Emhyr var Emreis
- Spikeroog
Disc 1 Side B
- Silver for Monsters (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- The Nightingale (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- City of Intrigues
- The Hunter's Path
- Widow-maker
- The Vagabond
- … Steel for Humans (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- Fate Calls
- Drink Up, There's More!
Disc 2 Side A
- After the Storm
- Cloak and Dagger (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- Blood on the Cobblestones
- Farewell, Old Friend
- The Song of the Sword-Dancer (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- The Hunt is Coming
- The Fields of Ard Skellig
- Ladies of the Woods
- I Name Thee Dea (…)
Disc 2 Side B
- In The Giant's Shadow
- Merchants of Novigrad
- A Story You Won't Believe (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- Go for it
- The Wolf and the Swallow
- Like a Wounded Animal
- Words on Wind
- On Thin Ice
- Hunt or Be Hunted
Collector's Edition bonus vinyl (TBC)
Disc 3 Side A
- Hearts of Stone
- Go Back Whence You Came
- You're Immortal? (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- Evil's Soft First Touches
- Dead Man's Party (ft. Percival Schuttenbach)
- Mystery Man
Disc 3 Side B
- Breaking In
- Whatsoever a Man Soweth
- The House of the Borsodis
- The Temple of Lilvani
- A Gifted Man Brings Gifts Galore