Smash Bros. Wii U update unlocks 15 more stages for 8-player mode
But may be creator's last ever game.
There's a new update for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U that unlocks 15 more stages for the game's 8-player mode.

The 316MB download brings the brawler's version number up to 1.0.2.
Smash Bros. previously limited its hectic 8-player mode to just a few stages, as some are simply too small to include all of the action.
Today's update sees nine regular stages and six Final Destination stage variants added as 8-player options:
Regular stages
- Mario Circuit (X)
- Luigi's Mansion
- Pyrosphere
- Norfair
- Lylat Cruise
- Pokémon Stadium 2
- Animal Crossing - Town and City
- Animal Crossing - Smashville
- Wii Fit Studio
Final Destination stages
- Mario Galaxy
- Mario Circuit (X)
- Kirby: The Great Cave Offensive
- Lylat Cruise
- Pokémon Stadium 2
- Animal Crossing - Town and City
Smash Bros. launched for Wii U in December, but extra content is still in production - a free Miiverse stage is due to be added, along with the game's Mewtwo character DLC and tournament mode.
But Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has suggested that the title may be his last ever game project.
Sakurai has explained in the past that he is unsure if he will ever work on another Smash Bros. game due to the sheer size of each undertaking and the need to continually one-up previous instalments.
"It was very tough this time around," Sakurai explained in his latest weekly column for Japanese magazine Famitsu (thanks, Kotaku).
"I doubt I'll be able to go on making games if it continues like this. But, I consider myself lucky that so many people seem to enjoy [Smash Bros.]"
In other Smash Bros. news, eagle-eyed gamers have been poking around inside the Wii U version's source code and found what may be cut content from the game's development.
Designs have been discovered for the Dr. Mario virus characters - possibly hinting at their inclusion in a Dr. Mario stage, or as a discarded idea for an Assist Trophy.