Slugma 100% perfect IV stats, shiny Slugma in Pokémon Go
Everything you need to know about Slugma’s Spotlight Hour.
This week’s Spotlight Hour is all about the Lava Pokémon - which is pretty accurate. This Pokémon is pretty much a slug made of magma.
This means that this week’s Spotlight Hour is ideal time to hunt down a perfect Slugma in Pokémon Go. If you’re on the hunt for a strong PVP Pokémon, you’re in luck! Slugma will be spawning en masse alongside Bergmite for this event - other than the obvious fire and ice pairing, we're not sure why these two Pokémon are being put together. They're from different generations and obviously have zero overlap in terms of ecology.
Flavour fails aside, this week’s Spotlight Hour also comes with a double catch Candy that runs alongside the event, so make sure you catch as many Pokémon as possible! Remember, if you’re not a fan of Slugma or Bergmite, this bonus also applies to anything you catch during the hour, including your stack of Research Rewards.
On this page:
Slugma 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go
This week’s Spotlight Hour is a great opportunity to catch a Slugma with perfect IV stats.

'Perfect' means two things in Pokémon Go, depending on how you plan to use a given Pokémon. First, there’s the maxed out, 100% IV version, which is the 15/15/15 you’re looking for your 4* Pokédex, raids and Master League. Yet, because of how CP is calculated using three stats, a perfect IV Pokémon is generally only ever the best version of itself in the Master League.
Of course, you can’t see the IV of a Pokémon without catching it first, but with a little research beforehand, you can quickly spot a perfect Slugma based on the CP alone.
If you’re at Level 30 (or above), you’ll ideally be looking for the following CPs for a perfect 15/15/15 Slugma:
The wild CP value aligns with your Trainer Level until you reach Level 30 and, due to the majority of the player base now being above this level, we’ve kept to these values for the sake of simplicity. These values will, however, be different if you’re currently below Level 30.
The Dual Destiny Season is here! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Is Magcargo good in PVP?
No. Having one double-weakness is bad, but two? Yikes...
Magcargo is double-weak to Ground and Water, and weak to Fighting and Rock-type attacks. Good thing that none of us have ever seen a Water-type Pokémon in Go Battle League, eh?

Were it not for this obvious issue, we'd recommend running Incinerate, Overheat and Rock Tomb. This will give you Fast move and Shield pressure, but with a clumsy and inconsistent Pokémon.
In Great League, it pulls in wins against Talonflame, Jumpluff, Malamar, Serperior and Mandibuzz. it loses against anything wet and/or able to throw dirt in Magcargo's eyes
In Ultra League, you can expect much of the same, but with fewer wins overall. The wins you do get come from Talonflame, Typhlosion, Galarian Weezing, Clefable and Skeledirge.
And with that in mind, Magcargo is obviously awful in Master League.
Is there a shiny Slugma in Pokémon Go?
Yes, there is a shiny Slugma in Pokémon Go, and it looks pretty cool(ed)!
The shiny form of Slugma was released back in January 2022, as part of the Mountains of Power event. If you catch one, you can evolve it into a shiny Magcargo, however, you will need 50 Slugma Candy to do so.

If luck is on your side, you may find a shiny Slugma in the wild, but be aware that this is not a Community Day and shiny rates are not boosted, so the chances of catching one, let alone a perfect one, are very low. That said, each Slugma you see has the potential to be shiny, so it’s purely a numbers game - tap each and every one of them and see what you get. Good luck finding the Slugma you need!
What does shiny Slugma look like?
As you can see below, shiny Slugma has been chilling, turning its burning red body a lustrous shade of grey. While it looks more like it is made of metal, this is supposed to be cooled magma.
Shiny Magcargo, meanwhile, is inexplicably purple. While we love a purple shiny, it doesn't really fit here. If they had made it the same shade of silver, it would have looked phenomenal.
Thanks to YouTuber Critical Slacker for the handy video!
Other tips for this Spotlight Hour
Aside from trying to catch a shiny Slugma in Pokémon Go, there are a couple of other good reasons to partake in this week’s Spotlight Hour:
- The best reason is, of course, the double catch candy bonus running throughout the hour. This gives you the chance to gather Candy twice as fast as usual, with each Pokémon caught giving up to 13 Candy if you use a Pinap or Silver Berry with a Mega-Evolved Pokémon of the same type, instead of the base three.
- This bonus also extends to your research rewards. Remember, you don’t need to catch these Pokémon when you complete the task; if you run away from a reward Pokémon, it is added to a 'bank' of up to 200 Pokémon you can save for times like this, or when you want to maximise a Star Piece or Lucky Egg bonus.
- If you’re a newcomer, this Spotlight Hour is the perfect time to collect enough Slugma Candy to fully evolve this Pokémon and add its evolution to your Pokédex.
- Thanks to Slugma being an Fire-type, catching a bunch during this Spotlight Hour will add progress to your respective catch bonus medal.
Spotlight Hour events only last for an hour - 6pm to 7pm (local time). Check back next week for a hand on Mankey and its Double Transfer Candy bonus.
Good luck finding a perfect Slugma!