Rockstar reveals Red Dead Redemption 2 supporting cast
Going Dutch.
Red Dead Redemption 2's cast of characters are getting revealed right now over on Rockstar's Twitter page. At the time of writing, half a dozen characters have been spotlighted - most of which we haven't seen named before.
Firstly, someone we do know - Dutch van der Linde, the gang leader who you'll be allied with in RDR2 and the main antagonist of the original game.
Next up is Hosea Matthews, whose name I can't read without calling him Horsey. He's popped up in a Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer as a pal of Dutch's, and an elderly member of the gang.
And then there are others, all of whom seem to be other members of Dutch's gang. Rockstar has previously described this group as your family of sorts in the game. Here they all are:
Peer at this screencap from an earlier trailer and you can see most - if not all - of the above present, including RDR's protagonist John Marston. Love you, John.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is due for launch on 26th October on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. There's still a lot we don't know about the title, although a recent group of GameStop employees who saw the game in action apparently came away a little underwhelmed.