Retro City Rampage EU PSN, XBLA versions now complete
Huge update now live for current platforms.

Xbox Live Arcade, WiiWare and European PlayStation Store versions of downloadable adventure Retro City Rampage are now complete, the game's creator has said.
The 8-bit action title launched last month for PC and the US PlayStation Store (as a Vita/PS3 title). One-man developer Brian Provinciano has been working on an update for the game based on fan feedback ever since.
Provinciano explained that this update, detailed below, is the reason why other versions have been delayed.
"As the remaining SKUs were not yet out the door at the time of launch, I made the decision to take this as an opportunity to ensure that at minimum, those still waiting for the game would get a better experience from the get-go.
"Throughout development I had a lot of people playtest the game and opened my ears like a sponge for all of the feedback that I could get."
Retro City Rampage creator Brian Provinciano
"There is no release date yet for the remaining SKUs, but all versions are complete and either well into certification or starting shortly," he added.
The update includes changes to the game's car tailing and platforming levels. Many side quests have now been fleshed out into fuller missions. Cars are faster, levels more balanced and there are additional checkpoints to help casual players.
"Throughout development I had a lot of people playtest the game and opened my ears like a sponge for all of the feedback that I could get," Provinciano explained.
"However, in the final couple of months before submission, the task list was overflowing. Being a one man show, I had to juggle everything from the programming, design and bug fixing to the business, production, trailer, store assets, marketing, emails, PR and most of all, certification and platform requirements."
The non-appearance of Retro City Rampage, along with Counter Strike: GO, has been a significant bugbear for the European PlayStation community.