Resident Evil 2 - G Tyrant boss battle strategy, how to open the Special Weapons Case in the Underground Facility
How to take down the G Tyrant in the Underground Facility.
The G Tyrant battle is your first boss battle as either Leon or Claire in Resident Evil 2, following on from completing the Medallion and Lion, Unicorn and Maiden statue puzzles.
You'll encounter the G Tyrant while exploring the Underground Facility - a short area, but one that holds a few items you might want to remember for the future.
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Exploring the Underground Facility and how to open the Special Weapons Case
This first area - the 'Secret Room' - is a safe room, and there's a few consumables, a Typewriter and storage box to make use of, as well as a valve you cannot activate just yet. Make sure you have plenty of ammo, the Shotgun (as Leon) or Grenade Launcher (Claire), and some healing items - you'll need them.

When ready, head right (east) and call the lift. You'll then arrive at the Underground Stairs - there's a door halfway down, but first head right to the very bottom to get a Hand Grenade to the right on the ground. Otherwise there's nothing much here aside from a locked Special Weapons Case and a locked door.
You cannot open the Special Weapons Case right now. You have to come back later when you have the STARS Badge and the Sewers Key - without spoiling specifics, it's only accessible once you've reached end of the game's second area. But if you want to know how to get the two required items, the prior links explain how.
Head back up the steps and head through the doorway to reach the Machinery Room.

Move the shelf to your right and progress onward for a cutscene and your first boss battle.
Tyrant boss battle strategy
This sees the G Tyrant chase you around a maze-like enclosed space. The aim here is to shoot it a few times in the head until the eye on its shoulder emerges, which should then be your focal point.

The eye will disappear now and again, in which case you should ignore the Tyrant for a little while until it emerges once more - if not, try a few headshots so it does.

Avoiding the Tyrant is actually quite straightforward - it's fairly slow, allowing you to back away and get at least one or two corners away from it while keeping it in view, and you can safely brush past it if you time it right. The attacks are also very close range, so as long as you keep your distance, you shouldn't get hit.
That said, it can and will grab hold of you, and this is where having a Combat Knife, Flash Grenades or Explosive Grenades will come in handy, giving you a chance to flee (and in the case of the latter, inflict a spot of damage) without getting injured. If you are low on health and ammo, then there is some in the corners of the room.
Our full Resident Evil 2 walkthrough explains every aspect's of Leon and Claire's campaigns, including Locker Code solutions, the Leon Desk puzzle solution, all Resident Evil 2 Safe Codes and Portable Safe solutions, Hiding Place locations, how to survive Mr X fights and the Chess Plug puzzle solution.
Though you risk being cornered, if you make a break for them while the Tyrant is far away, you can get what you need and back away without getting hit. And if it is blocking your way, then simply try running past it - you'll be surprised at how docile it is.

After a while, the Tyrant will disappear. Simply sprint around until it drops around and appears again, and continue the right as normal. This can be a drawn out encounter for what is a relatively simple fight, and might see your ammo supplies run dry. If that's the case, reload and come back in with as much ammo as possible to see you through.

Once the battle is over, a ladder will drop. The office on the right has some consumables, including a Green Herb by the door. Head east round the walkway, and throw the switch on the console to move the walkway outside, allowing you to head to the Operator's Room.

Get a Hip Pouch from the locker to expand your inventory before making use of the Typewriter and Storage Box.

Head out of the door going north and climb the ladder to arrive in a parking garage. Investigate the ticket machine against the shutter straight ahead for a cutscene. It's not time to explore the Parking Garage.