Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon unearthed for 3DS
Can you Diglett?
Nintendo has announced Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon for 3DS, yet another title in the long-running spin-off series.

Details are thin on the ground, other than the fact that Europe will see the game in early 2016.
Japanese fans will get the title a little sooner, during this autumn, while North America will see the game launch this winter.
The series' usual procedurally-generated dungeons will again return, as well as its team-based story and battles. Super Mystery Dungeon will let players team up with legendary and mythical Pokémon "in a sweeping tale of adventure and mystery".
More than 13m copies of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series have been sold so far, spread across the various existing titles.
The series has so far found home on the Game Boy Advance, DS, 3DS and as a downloadable title for Wii.