Pokémon Go Triumph Together research quest steps, Global Challenges and rewards
All Valor, Instinct, and Mystic challenges.
Triumph Together is a Global Challenge event in Pokémon Go where you have to work together with other trainers around the world to unlock three timed research quests, and other rewards.
So in order to unlock each Triumph Together timed research quest in Pokémon Go, you need to help complete the challenges in order. Meaning you need to complete the Valor Global Challenge to unlock both its rewards, and the ability to move on to the Instinct Global Challenge. Then you do the same for the Instinct challenge to unlock its rewards and the ability to move on to the final Mystic Global Challenge.
It's important to note that even though the Global Challenges and timed research quests are named after the three teams, everyone is working together during all three Global Challenges, and all trainers get all of the rewards for each challenge completion, no matter what team they're part of.
On this page:
'Fight With Valor' quest step in Pokémon Go
Fight With Valor is a timed research quest running in Pokémon Go until Saturday 31st August 7:59am (BST) / Friday 30th August at 11:59pm (PDT). It unlocked when Trainers worked together to complete the Valor Global Challenge.
As it's a timed research quest, if you don't complete it by this deadline, then you won't be able to earn all of its rewards.
Here you'll find all of the Fight With Valor timed research quest steps and rewards in Pokémon Go.
'Fight With Valor' Step 1 of 1
- Defeat 1 Team GO Rocket member - x5 Potion
- Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket members - x5 Revives
Rewards: 10,000 XP, 5000 Stardust and a Ponyta (wearing a Candela-themed accessory) encounter.
'Trust Your Instinct' quest step in Pokémon Go
Trust Your Instinct is a timed research quest running in Pokémon Go until Saturday 31st August 7:59am (BST) / Friday 30th August at 11:59pm (PDT). It unlocked when Trainers worked together to complete the Instinct Global Challenge.
As it's a timed research quest, if you don't complete it by this deadline, then you won't be able to earn all of its rewards.
Here you'll find all of the Trust Your Instinct timed research quest steps and rewards in Pokémon Go.
'Trust Your Instinct' Step 1 of 1
- Hatch an egg - x10 Razz Berry
- Hatch 2 eggs - x2 Golden Razz Berry
Rewards: 10,000 XP, 5000 Stardust and a Elekid (wearing a Spark-themed accessory) encounter.
'Studied Yet Mystic' quest step in Pokémon Go
Studied Yet Mystic is a timed research quest running in Pokémon Go until Saturday 31st August 7:59am (BST) / Friday 30th August at 11:59pm (PDT). It unlocked when Trainers worked together to complete the Mystic Global Challenge.
As it's a timed research quest, if you don't complete it by this deadline, then you won't be able to earn all of its rewards.
Here you'll find all of the Studied Yet Mystic timed research quest steps and rewards in Pokémon Go.
'Studied Yet Mystic' Step 1 of 1
- Complete a Field Research Task - x10 Razz Berry
- Complete 2 Field Research Tasks - x2 Golden Razz Berry
Rewards: 10,000 XP, 5000 Stardust and a Lapras (wearing a Blanche-themed accessory) encounter.
Triumph Together Global Challenges and rewards in Pokémon Go
Triumph Together runs until Saturday 31st August 7:59am (BST) / Friday 30th August at 11:59pm (PDT). It works a little differently to most events in Pokémon Go, as it's all about working together with other trainers around the world to complete three Global challenges.
These challenges unlock in order, meaning you need to complete Valor's challenge before you can start working toward Instinct's, then you need to complete Instinct's before you can take part in the final Mystic Global Challenge.
Do keep in mind that all trainers are working together during each Global Challenge, not just those who are a part of that team. This means everybody gets all of the rewards from each challenge too.
Valor Global Challenge and rewards
Valor's Global Challenge during Triumph Together is to defeat 75,000,000 Team GO Rocket members. Team GO Rocket will appear more frequently at PokéStops and in balloons as a bonus during this challenge.
Here are the Valor Global Challenge rewards:
- A special Team Valor–themed timed research opportunity that leads to an encounter with Ponyta wearing a Candela-themed accessory.
- x2 XP for spinning PokéStops.
- Instinct Global Challenge unlocks.
Instinct Global Challenge and rewards
Instinct's Global Challenge during Triumph Together is to hatch 20,000,000 eggs. Egg hatch distance is halved when eggs are placed into Incubators during the event as a bonus during this challenge.
Here are the Instinct Global Challenge rewards:
- A special Team Instinct–themed timed research opportunity that leads to an encounter with Elekid wearing a Spark-themed accessory.
- x2 Stardust for hatching eggs.
- Mystic Global Challenge unlocks.
Additionally, the following Pokémon will hatch from 7 km eggs:
- Grimer wearing a party hat
- Slugma
- Slakoth wearing a visor
- Litleo
- Komala
- Togedemaru
Mystic Global Challenge and rewards
Mystic's Global Challenge during Triumph Together is to complete 35,000,000 field research tasks. Event-themed field research tasks will be available as a bonus during this challenge.
Here are the Mystic Global Challenge rewards:
- A special Team Mystic–themed timed research opportunity that leads to an encounter with Lapras wearing a Blanche-themed accessory.
- Two guaranteed Candy XL for evolving Pokémon.
Triumph Together field research in Pokémon Go
When you get to the Mystic Global Challenge during Triumph Together, event-themed field research tasks will unlock. Spinning PokéStops after this may see you earning one of these event-exclusive research tasks. You can save these tasks in your field research collection and complete them after the event ends if you so choose.
Here are the Pokémon available in the field research:
- Catch 5 Pokémon - Cyndaquil, Beldum, Tynamo, or Goomy encounter
- Explore 1 km - Tirtouga or Archen encounter
- Power up Pokémon 5 times - Ducklett, Emolga, or Crabrawler encounter
- Trade a Pokémon - Tandemaus encounter
The Max Out Season is here! The GO Big is currently running in Pokémon Go. You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.
Everything else we know about Triumph Together in Pokémon Go
Apart from the information shared above, there are also PokéStop Showcases running throughout Triumph Together, and a pay-to-play timed research quest.
You can purchase the pay-to-play timed research quest for $5 or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency. This purchase is nonrefundable nor can PokéCoin be used, but you can get an extra Incubator at no additional cost if you purchase this research from the Pokémon GO Web Store. You need to have a Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) account to take advantage of this deal.
This pay-to-play timed research includes the following rewards:
- x2 Premium Battle Passes.
- x1 Rocket Radar.
- x1 Super Incubator.
- x1 Lure Module.
- Encounters with Team Leader–themed costumed Pokémon.
Hope you enjoy Triumph Together!