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Pokémon Go Sinnoh Throwback Challenge 2020 and research tasks explained

How to complete the Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum inspired questline.

The Sinnoh Throwback Challenge in Pokémon Go is a Special Research quest designed to celebrate the fourth generation of Pokémon and the games released alongside them.

Throughout this challenge, you'll be able to catch Pokémon that reference the Gym Leaders that appeared in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum.

Like the previous Throwback Challenges for Kanto, Johto and Hoenn, the Sinnoh Throwback Challenge doesn't end in an encounter with a brand new Pokémon, but you might find a Pokémon missing from your Pokédex.

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How 'Throwback Challenge 2020 Sinnoh' works in Pokémon Go

The Sinnoh Throwback Challenge works like the other Research quests that were introduced in March 2018, where players can complete various tasks for special rewards.

The Sinnoh Throwback Challenge is constructed out of eight quest steps, with each one referencing a Gym Leader from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. For completing the fifth set of challenges, for example, you'll be rewarded with a Drifloon encounter, because Fantina, the fifth Gym Leader in all three games, specialises in ghost-type Pokémon.

Unlike the recent paid-for quests in Pokémon Go, this event is free for all players. The catch, however, is that you only have a week to access and complete every challenge in the event.

'Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh' dates and times in Pokémon Go explained

The Sinnoh Throwback Challenge is the fourth of five special Throwback Challenges running week-by-week from the beginning of May 2020.

'Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh' is running between Friday, May 22nd to Friday, May 29th. It starts and ends at 1pm your local time on these days.

If you've already completed the Kanto, Johto and Hoenn Throwback Challenges from the previous weeks, then you should complete this final regional Throwback Challenge to unlock the final, 'Throwback Challenge Champion 2020' event from June 3rd to June 8th.

The Dual Destiny Season is here! You can now catch Dynamax Pokémon through Max Battles. First, however, you need to visit Power Spots to collect Max Particles and complete the To the Max! quest. Don't forget to try out Routes, Gift Exchange and Party Play while you're hunting down rare Pokémon, fighting in the Go Battle League or competing in PokéStop Showcases.

'Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh' quest steps in Pokémon Go explained

Below you'll find all the steps and confirmed rewards for the Sinnoh Throwback quest. Be careful though, this information contains spoilers for the entire Special Research quest.

Thank you to SilphScience on reddit for the help with this information.

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 1 of 9

  • Catch 3 Grass, Water or Fire-type Pokémon - 10x Poké Balls
  • Power up a Pokémon - Burmy encounter
  • Take a snapshot of a Rock-type Pokémon - 500 Stardust

Rewards: 1x Pinap Berry, 2x Razz Berries and Cranidos encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 2 of 9

  • Take a snapshot of a Grass-type Pokémon - 5x Razz Berries
  • Send a gift to a friend - Combee encounter
  • Catch a Grass-type Pokémon - 500 Stardust

Rewards: 1x Razz Berry, 2x Pinap Berries and a Grotle encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 3 of 9

Rewards: 1x Pinap Berry, 2x Razz Berries and a Monferno encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 4 of 9

  • Earn a candy walking with your buddy - 10x Great Ball
  • Catch a Ground-type Pokémon - Skorupi encounter
  • Catch a Water-type Pokémon - 500 Stardust

Rewards: 1x Razz Berry, 2x Pinap Berries and a Prinplup encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 5 of 9

Rewards: 1x Pinap Berry, 2x Razz Berries and a Drifloon encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 6 of 9

  • Take a snapshot of a Steel-type Pokémon - 10x Ultra Balls
  • Give your buddy 3 treats - Hippopotas encounter
  • Catch a Steel-type Pokémon - 500 Stardust

Rewards: 1x Razz Berry, 2x Pinap Berries and a Shieldon encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 7 of 9

  • Evolve a Pokémon - Gible encounter
  • Earn a candy walking with your buddy - Glacial Lure Module
  • Catch an Ice-type Pokémon - 500 Stardust

Rewards: 1x Pinap Berry, 2x Razz Berries and a Abomasnow encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 8 of 9

  • Power-up Pokéon 3 times - Starpiece
  • Make 3 Great Throws - Fast TM
  • Catch an Electric-type Pokémon - 500 Stardust

Rewards: 1x Razz Berry, 2x Pinap Berries and a Shinx encounter

'Sinnoh Throwback Challenge' Step 9 of 9

  • Claim reward - 3000 XP
  • Claim reward - 3000 XP
  • Claim reward - 3000 XP

Rewards: 10x Rare Candies and a Cresselia, which knows Grass Knot, encounter

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Cresselia, like the previous legendary Pokémon from the past Throwback quests, has the chance of being it's shiny version!

Sinnoh Throwback Challenge 2020 research tasks in Pokémon Go explained

Like the past Throwback Challenges, the Sinnoh Throwback Challenge has a collection of special Research Tasks that you can find from spinning PokéStops.

These tasks are:

  • Catch 2 Pokémon reward - Turtwig
  • Catch 3 Normal-type Pokémon reward - Glameow
  • Transfer 3 Pokémon reward - Chimchar
  • Give your buddy a treat reward - Piplup
  • Play with your buddy reward - Buneary
  • Earn a heart with your buddy reward - Croagunk
  • Battle another trainer reward - Starly

Thank you to SilphScience on reddit for confirming these tasks.

As usual, these special Research Tasks will only appear for the duration of this event, but, if you do collect one, then you can hold onto it and complete the task once the event has ended.

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